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What does everyone think about cp_steel

Created 12th March 2014 @ 20:41

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Quoted from Popcorp


Check my Forum history if you want to see how much am i “obsessed”

Why are we not discussing other maps, like koth_arctic, which is better than Viaduct imo

You talk about me with loads of people all the time. I see the chat logs! As for Arctic, because it’s probably the worst optimised map ever and it’s EXTREMELY easy on sniper. Oh look at that it’s my main so I apparently will automatically know more than you. Unfortunately for your own logic you can’t contest my opinion on it otherwise you’ll look silly, right? :)


It’s ok, I used to hate it but it finally started to grow on me



personal least favourite of mine, i appreciate the variety in the map pool though. gravelpit is much much much more fun



is good



Boring to play, boring to watch.


Quoted from konr

In this map it seems like you literally have zero reason what so ever to have to move as a soldier and you can just stay in one place for 99% of the map (with a blackbox even more so) and just be fine.

I just literally told you otherwise, I played 5 pcws at around a div2 level last 2 weeks and I never employed the “hold this area with the blackbox” tactic and I still did fine in all of them.

Also, highlander is a team game, literally all you have to do to counter that is rotate your combo to the place the soldier is holding and try to deny the soldier with your pyro and push from there. You can easily destroy their flank in tight corners like these. It’s easily deniable and as such there is no such thing as “you can just stay in one place for 99% of the map and just be fine”.

Quoted from konr

Your argument that it’s not a good soldier map because it isn’t the greatest for being mobile is a silly one, because no map in the history of maps was ever called a good soldier map for having that.

What… I don’t think we have played the same game all these years then, because there are plenty of widely recognized good soldier maps because of the mobility they offer.

Process is one of them for example, it has always been regarded as a roamer friendly map because of all the mobility advantage you can get from the map. Granary, specifically the middle is probably the most soldier friendly mid on any map ever, the rest of the map is also soldier friendly because of the tight corners you mentioned, but the mid offers a clear mobility advantage to soldiers which can gain high ground or jump without much contest from anyone.

These are just of the top of my head. And clearly steel is not one of these. Which still doesn’t make it a bad map, it’s perfectly ok with me, and actually the more I play it the more I like it because I am starting to fully understand all the intricacies of the map and how the flow of the game works both attacking and defending.


Process mid in highlander is great for that mobility but as I mentioned it gives so many more opportunities for that soldier to be completely shut down. Say a soldier bombs into a combo of a heavy, a pyro and there is a scout nearby. Unless that team has no idea that the soldier is there (they’re completely retarded/blind) then that soldier should not get a pick on anyone. In 6s it’s a lot more viable of course because the only person you’ll ever see even close to the mid is the demo, but in HL you have the GRU, the whip etc and if a demo plays intelligently he will have backup from his team a whole lot quicker than he will in 6s.

Granary mid is good because there are tight corners. It’s good on the mid in a way if the enemy team stands in a corner but again it gives so many more opportunities on that mid for scouts to just completely deny that soldier. The example I just gave for process also applies to this. What still makes Granary good for soldier though is the tight corridors which to be honest it has less of than Steel. I never implied you wouldn’t do well not using the blackbox but I (and Muuki who iirc is a high level HL soldier) did imply that when doing so it made it almost impossible for people to push through a certain area.

By saying that you can just rotate your combo there to kill that one soldier you aren’t really saying much either. The fact that you would have to do that in the first place just because one soldier has one corridor completely locked down on his own is absolutely ridiculous. In any good and balanced map that wasn’t good for soldier or was just okay for soldier as you seem to think it is, you would not need to commit that much to it. I hope you get what I’m trying to say here so I don’t have to type it again :P

Last edited by konr,


Blackbox and Conch and you are invincible on this map.
If you start to roam a lot then you will die a lot.



Watch zoob on defence (right now) and he will be spamming around corners with black box on defence. That is the most effective way of playing the map since a soldier on his own can deny so much space. Steel is a very good soldier map because about 60% of it is a corridor where it’s impossible to miss.



i dont know if people who dislike this map are just not replying, or if its just become “cool” to pretend to like steel, but whatever. It’s an okay map, but despite so many people praising it for being incredibly tactical, I find that in the end a lot of the games on it simply boil down to frantic DM-fest.

it’s not particularly “complex” as it is chaotic, as more and more routes and possibilities open up. It just highlights the randomness of the format really.


After just watching the match between Highpander and Kill Switch I hope this map is gone next season because that was the most boring shit I’ve ever seen.



that was the most aids game of steel ever, please dont use that as an example of how to play this map.



Terribly unfun to play tonight, mainly due to loss of loadout and technical problems. I still think the map is good but tonight was pretty horrible to watch and play alike.

Last edited by Hildreth,


Quoted from EmilioEstevez

that was the most aids game of steel ever, please dont use that as an example of how to play this map.

pretty much this.
we didn’t have loadout for 5/6 of the game and we were also playing like shit..
so chaotic and random, not sure how we won, but it was just.. disappointing and painful to play. for both sides, I’m sure.

Last edited by Candle,



While the game was really aids, I liked the idea of top teams using vanilla loadouts. Terrible for an official, though.

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