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TF2Center sucks

Created 16th January 2014 @ 11:15

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It shows what an amazingly good job TF2lobby did when you see so many people don’t even call ‘PUG’s’, ‘PUG’s anymore, they’re very often referred to as ‘lobbies’ these days.


Quoted from Anzu

The thing is with tf2center is that people take it wayyy to seriously with all the mumble and player hours and realibility…
I consider that site as I fun place to play lobbies and thats it

I hope tf2lobby will go up soon

How am I supposed to have fun with no medic/demo? Do you think typing memes or “xD” into the chat is fun? How about being in the mumble and laughing with people and actually getting better at the game.



Quoted from jx53


How am I supposed to have fun with no medic/demo? Do you think typing memes or “xD” into the chat is fun? How about being in the mumble and laughing with people and actually getting better at the game.

How do you get better at the game by playing pugs/lobbies anyway?


\V/ Gold

maybe because you’re playing the game while PUGing, but that’s a bold statement.


Unfortunately, so far I still prefer TF2Lobby over Centre, which is a shame as it’s obvious how hard people have worked on TF2 Centre.

The quality of skill in the games is a non-issue for me. Both places will have new players wanting to play their first comp games and will have those low skill games. I don’t mind, I’m there to have fun playing some TF2.

For me, the issue I have with Centre at the moment is the mumble requirement and reporting system (though I know this is still being worked on).

On Centre I will usually make a lobby with mumble not required as I’m usually in my own talking with friends in other games. Unfortunately I’ve had quite a few people get into my server and then leave because no one’s in mumble. Obviously this isn’t Centre’s fault, but it’s just adding another reason for people to leave a lobby mid-game. With the option of mumble, people are going into lobbies looking for a somewhat serious game, and are more likely to leave if the games doesn’t go to their expectation.

That leads me to the reporting system, which really doesn’t seem to have been thought through. The automatic reporting is nice, but seems to add more problems than it solves. A few examples being it doesn’t take into account players finding their own subs or a lobby that’s died and hasn’t been closed by the leader.


Quoted from Hildreth

[…]Quality of players?

They’re less friendly than in tf2lobby.


UbeR |

Quoted from Anzu

The thing is with tf2center is that people take it wayyy to seriously with all the mumble and player hours and realibility…
I consider that site as I fun place to play lobbies and thats it

I hope tf2lobby will go up soon

it’s to filter out retards and bad players. im guessing youre new to these sort of websites but i cant count the amount of time medics with 100 hours of tf2 join where you end up waiting 15 min for the game to start then cant push 1st on a pl map, or lose 3 horrible rounds cause your team never gets healed. THAT is the major reason for hour limit to even be an option.

and why is reliability a bad thing? so you can recognize shitters that dont show up or leave during the game? are you bitter cause yours is at 75 or something and people kick you for it?

mumble is optional so i cant see why people cry about it. if you wanna have fun like on tf2lobby just play the game. if you are peer pressure by “super serious players with their mumble that are also shit at the game” (which seems to be the general sentiment) then you need to look in a mirror. you’re sitting miles away from anyone else safely behind your screen. if you dont wanna mumble then dont mumble, but dont join the mumble lobbies.

@spriggan you must be twelve years old or something.

ive had a few bad lobbies but for the most part ive had a lot of fun with the people i played with there and the enthousiasm i see.

if you complain about the level of skill yu probably dont know about the HL spreadsheet/irc or the 6s irc/pug websites. and if you dont know about those you really have no excuse to complain about tf2centers skill..

How do you get better at the game by playing pugs/lobbies anyway?

when you’re fresh from pubbing lobbies can be a great help. by playing those with a few friends you can easily be d5 level in 6s or hl.

Last edited by quell,



Quoted from tavi

How do you get better at the game by playing pugs/lobbies anyway?

You still practise dm by playing lobbies/pugs?



Quoted from Spriggan

They’re less friendly than in tf2lobby.

I have a lot of lobbies on tf2lobby and after switching to tf2center people seem to be about the same when it comes to friendliness. Of course there are some unfriendly people but other than that everyone is pretty cool.

Spike Himself


Quoted from ekkelund


I have a lot of lobbies on tf2lobby and after switching to tf2center people seem to be about the same when it comes to friendliness. Of course there are some unfriendly people but other than that everyone is pretty cool.

are you suggesting there were friendly people in tf2lobby? have you ever played there before dinner time?



Quoted from Spike Himself


are you suggesting there were friendly people in tf2lobby? have you ever played there before dinner time?

I know it’s absurd, but yes.


Tf2 center has a lot of potential to be a great success. Granted the reporting system needs a little work. However if people go into it with the right mindset it could become a viable platform for new players to get a start in comp tf2 and for more experienced players to have a bit of fun.



tf2 pickup > tf2 center


“hey mom look I’m playin’ pickups I’m so decent everybody needs to know”


They can’t unban me, nice.

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