R.I.P TF2lobby
Created 11th January 2014 @ 00:21
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Quoted from Spreijer
Lobbies were pubs. But still better than skial ones. TF2center? It’s good, but doesn’t feel the same :P. I played lobbies whenever I had free time and just wanted to tf2.
exactly bro, and somehow center doesn’t feel the same.
I guess I missed it somewhere, but this is not the first time lobby is down.
How do people know it’s completely dead now?
Quoted from Solid
“Your opinion is wrong.”
opinions are wrong when they’re based on nothing.
Quoted from quell
opinions are wrong when they’re based on nothing.
thats not true. you might mean an argumentation?
Quoted from Phnx
Bad community (not entering mumble, trolling and shit), awful for 6s, pretty nice for hl even though very low level.
can’t take it seriously there.
^This. It wouldn’t happen if TF2center dudes provocated TF2lobby people (and yes, I was one of the provocators)
Quoted from unu
But you always get fatkidded there :(
once =/= always
Also, I based MY opinion on MY experience. FOR ME it was awful so far (80% of the time), maybe others had more luck than I did.
I also stated, that the site itself is pretty great and the mumble plugin is something lobby needed a long time ago, doesn’t mean the site itself can filter people playing there.
Also, Americans playing on EU lobbies with 150 ping, gj Volvo.
Fuck me, this conversation will go nowhere, unless people begin to understand the word ‘opinion’.
Last edited by jakeowaty,
DW Jakeowaty, you aren’t the only person who has had bad experiences with TF2center, I am honestly sick of it right now. PuGs all the way.
Last edited by Max,
IMO Center is a direct upgrade on lobby, for all their faults! You can’t bash lobby though really, it’s done it’s job well for years! Having said that might avoid mumble in future as to me it makes it to try-hard, with a lot of people you’ve never seen, met or will play with again. The mix spreadsheets are probably the best really!
for me it was fine until extv posted the tutorial on how to play on tf2center. After that it’s gotten shittier and shittier.
Quoted from unu
for me it was fine until extv posted the tutorial on how to play on tf2center. After that it’s gotten shittier and shittier.
Quoted from Cckwzrd
thats not true. you might mean an argumentation?
was a joke since opinions can inherently not be right or wrong ;)
Quoted from unu
for me it was fine until extv posted the tutorial on how to play on tf2center. After that it’s gotten shittier and shittier.
havent noticed a sharp drop myself but the good thing is about center is you can limit your games to people that have X hours, or X amount of lobbies :)
still waiting on the ability to limit games to people who have played a game in X division.
Last edited by quell,
Quoted from quell
opinions are wrong when they’re based on nothing.
But it’s not based on nothing… The few centers I played had bad communication and bad players. Most of the time you don’t even have 6/9 in mumble. Imo it’s just as bad as tf2lobby and I’ll never play it again.
I just wish people would stop misspelling centre :(
Quoted from Solid
But it’s not based on nothing… The few centers I played had bad communication and bad players. Most of the time you don’t even have 6/9 in mumble. Imo it’s just as bad as tf2lobby and I’ll never play it again.
Well it is a sub system for lobby with certain upgrades (mumble), which tries to enroll new players in competitive and not a sub system for pickup2. Please learn the difference
Just played one – 6 people in Mumble, not a single word was uttered the entire match.
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