Allow Market Gardener?
Created 9th August 2013 @ 20:40
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Quoted from Almie
You guys complain about him writing essays, yet you answer with single sentences that mostly ignore everything he said and do not contain a single grain of logic. I hope you will enjoy jerking off to how perfectly balanced vanilla is even after 6v6 will die out, because its fucking stale. You dont play most of the maps, dont use most of the unlocks, or even gamemodes. While TF2 has evolved massively over the 6 years of its existence, you are playing your own version of it that is almost the same as TF2 in 2007 with little changes. This kind of competitive is not very welcoming for new players, Highlander is. Which is the exact reason why 6v6 will die out. At least the European-“nounlocksandnofunallowed”-type of it. Just look at USA 6v6. They dont seem to have any problem with the unlocks, yet you complain about randomness. With this attitude, Highlander will take over, maybe even get more official support from Valve. You wont see that though, because you will be too busy circlejerking over your perfect 6v6 that must be left untouched with the little thats gonna be left of the current 6v6 scene. Have fun! (oh, thats right, you hate fun)
I think you just went full retard
Quoted from Almie
You guys complain about him writing essays, yet you answer with single sentences that mostly ignore everything he said and do not contain a single grain of logic. I hope you will enjoy jerking off to how perfectly balanced vanilla is even after 6v6 will die out, because its fucking stale. You dont play most of the maps, dont use most of the unlocks, or even gamemodes. While TF2 has evolved massively over the 6 years of its existence, you are playing your own version of it that is almost the same as TF2 in 2007 with little changes. This kind of competitive is not very welcoming for new players, Highlander is. Which is the exact reason why 6v6 will die out. At least the European-“nounlocksandnofunallowed”-type of it. Just look at USA 6v6. They dont seem to have any problem with the unlocks, yet you complain about randomness. With this attitude, Highlander will take over, maybe even get more official support from Valve. You wont see that though, because you will be too busy circlejerking over your perfect 6v6 that must be left untouched with the little thats gonna be left of the current 6v6 scene. Have fun! (oh, thats right, you hate fun)
I dont understand the whole “you hate fun” argument
if you love mindless fun so much why are you playing competitive over normal pubs or randomizer/prophunt/warioware etc.
I play competitive for a balanced gamemode, why compromise that for a slight increase in the playerbase?
your major argument is saying that the market gardener is hard to use and easy to avoid, what if i tell you it needs no particular skill to hit with and that a good jumper is hard to touch ?
it will just be unfun for low division to see their medic be one shotted regularly without beeing able to counter it with efficiency, and be useless in better division
Last edited by Obnoxious,
Oh look its another unlocks thread.
We can just expand UGC 6v6 in Europe if you want to play with the american rules and etf2l can stay mostly vanilla. I think every league needs a variety and if some people like unlocks, let them go UGC and the vanilla people will stay in etf2l. Same goes with ESA.
Last edited by Spreijer,
Quoted from Almie
I hope you will enjoy jerking off to how perfectly balanced vanilla is even after 6v6 will die out, because its fucking stale.
so you’re saying adding more unlocks makes the game unbalanced? well there is your answer
my overpowered skill stick got nerfed, now I need something that is stronger than my regular shovel else the game will be shit.
tf2 is dead without market gardner.
Why isnt the medic melee thingy that allows to see enemy health allowed? It also promotes fun without doing anything good for 6v6 play so it should also be allowed!
Quoted from Almie
You guys complain about him writing essays, yet you answer with single sentences that mostly ignore everything he said and do not contain a single grain of logic. I hope you will enjoy jerking off to how perfectly balanced vanilla is even after 6v6 will die out, because its fucking stale. You dont play most of the maps, dont use most of the unlocks, or even gamemodes. While TF2 has evolved massively over the 6 years of its existence, you are playing your own version of it that is almost the same as TF2 in 2007 with little changes. This kind of competitive is not very welcoming for new players, Highlander is. Which is the exact reason why 6v6 will die out. At least the European-“nounlocksandnofunallowed”-type of it. Just look at USA 6v6. They dont seem to have any problem with the unlocks, yet you complain about randomness. With this attitude, Highlander will take over, maybe even get more official support from Valve. You wont see that though, because you will be too busy circlejerking over your perfect 6v6 that must be left untouched with the little thats gonna be left of the current 6v6 scene. Have fun! (oh, thats right, you hate fun)
Good to see that you’re still going full retard on things you don’t even understand ( ͡ °͜ʖ ͡°)
team gets cleared on mid except the medic who is running for his life back to last, a roamer jumps after him. shoots a rocket – medic has a chance to surf it, gain distance and survive.
solly jums after him with the MG – medic has no chance, at least not if the roamer knows what he is doing. and you cant really dodge the attack by running under the soldier or moving to the sides.. couz you will only give the other enemies time to catch you or get hit anyways because awesome hitboxes with 3 meter long melee range.
Yes not the best example, but the medic ends up alone quite offten, and against a soldier there is at least a fighting chance but with the MG… fuck that shit.
also the argument of “more fun, more enjoyable to watch” is complete and utter bullshit.
see Mirelin doing 2 huge rocket surfs from a bombing roamer, escaping and killing enemy scout in the process.. on process LOL. was it the previous finals ? not sure.
Jorman jumps after Taimou, Taimou straifs away – gets airshoted by the same Jorman [one of the most memorable shots in TF2. at least for me].
I`d take moments like these over some dumb market garner pick ANY time.
Last edited by doks,
Oh, so now youre saying MG takes no skill and allowing it would cause medics to be constantly killed by it because its easy and undodgeable? And then you call ME a retard, well look at what you just said.
Quoted from Almie
Oh, so now youre saying MG takes no skill and allowing it would cause medics to be constantly killed by it because its easy and undodgeable? And then you call ME a retard, well look at what you just said.
you are one fine specimen.
holy shit how did this even reach 10 pages full of retarded discussions…
I don’t understand you guys, I really don’t…
You really are prone to jump on the bandwagon, about 1 year ago I was fiercely defending how we should allow them gunboats / paintrain and other basic unlocks and I kept getting bashed on these forums, I remember it, but at least I had the balls to keep my consistency, months later the same people that said “lol ur a div6 retard” were bragging about how fun the new unlocks were and how good they were introduced.
We’re about to see the same about the ruleset, honestly I think the american ruleset of 1 map per match is less interesting, but I don’t care if it gets implemented as I’m all for the standardization of the comp scene rulesets.
But the same people that defend standardization of the ruleset and how everyone should really play the same game accross every continent then keep bashing unlocks, even if they are situational or even straight downgrades.
If ETF2L is striving so much to copy and follow ESEA lead then I really hope their stance on unlocks follows the path of their stance on the NA ruleset. Have it work in a blacklist style and not whitelist, every unlocks should be allowed per default, with the obvious broken ones (phlog, pomsomm, etc) being banned.
Getting back to this particular item, anyone that complains it would become OP or unbalance the game isn’t in their right mind, any solly jumping with the intention to hit the market gardener would
a) Loose the possibility of dealing lots of rocket damage while in the air which would be much more reliable 99% of the cases.
b) be prone to completly fail the MG hit, if you know your shit (that is, if a team isn’t completely clueless), you will probably dodge 90% of the market gardener attempts. Also, this means a free pick and the solly goes for a very high risk high reward play that will probably lead to a player disadvantage for their team and in the most probable case if the soldier misses the hit, it’s a free pick with 0 damage dealt, it’s a completly free pick with not even damage trade off, even a normal roamer suicide bomb would be more effective if he doesn’t kill no one, because at least some damage will be dealt.
c) Loose the possibility and advantages of other unlocks (escape plan and pain train) which are much more reliable and increase survivability and usefullness of the class instead of “having a pretty small chance” to get a decent pick.
So yeah, I’ll say it, if you are complaining about the MG because it will make soldier more powerful you’re retarded, if anything it makes it more versatile but even then less efficient. If you’re complaining about the MG being a crutch and not requiring skill you’re retarded as well because it’s probably the melee unlock which requires more skill to be used properly, and a sucessful MG play is one that rewards skill (not necessarily gamesense, but airstrafing)
for me this thread just once again confirms that 6v6 players have a phobia for new things even if it will change jack shit
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