What would TF2 be like without reloading
Created 30th July 2013 @ 13:36
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So lets say TF2 had quake style ammo management, no reloading. How would it effect the game? for the good or the bad?
discuss :)
flood the maps with ammo PAACKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm, machine gun needles from my crossbow across mid. I like this idea…oh wait.
Quoted from Setsul
With the same amount of ammo and ammopacks?
engi pistol
It would make pistols marginally better. Demoman as a class has the most issues with reloading everything, for every other class it would be a minor buff in comparison.
Quoted from Rake
It would make pistols marginally better. Demoman as a class has the most issues with reloading everything, for every other class it would be a minor buff in comparison.
Don’t forget about Soldiers. Being able to double or triple rocketjump and still have 4 rockets to unload on the enemy medic is pretty OP.
say there was a slight nerf on the detonation time of stickies and mayeb the mount the demo could have out at once. It would force them to use their pipes more and just use the stickys for traps and jumps
Last edited by BoneS,
I think it would be better to have infinite ammo, but still have to reload. So your clip size is the same, but you don’t have to mess about with ammo packs.
Quoted from BoneS
say there was a slight nerf on the detonation time of stickies and mayeb the mount the demo could have out at once. It would force them to use their pipes more and just use the stickys for traps and jumps
Still rollers everywhere.
A pipe-spamming demo should also be able to get almost everything out of the air. I remember playing on a pub where 3 demos in the enemy team where just spamming pipes and no one could get out more than a few meters from spawn.
Quoted from Rake
Quoted from Koeitje
Don’t forget about Soldiers. Being able to double or triple rocketjump and still have 4 rockets to unload on the enemy medic is pretty OP.
Quoted from Sideshow
I think it would be better to have infinite ammo, but still have to reload. So your clip size is the same, but you don’t have to mess about with ammo packs.
Valve actually reduced the total ammo amount of rockets, pipes and stickies about half a year after the game was released. Apparently they felt there was too much spam.,_2008_Patch
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