Team Fortress 2 Mentor Project
Created 16th March 2009 @ 13:26
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Point is, why should top players like dunc and Byte “waste” time teach beginners the basic tactics, when I could do it (presumably just as well :x) and save them time. Any time spent teaching basic tactics from them could be better off teaching more advanced ones that players like me wouldnt be able to teach.
Love the idea anyway :D
Steam Name: ViQun
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Language(s) Spoken: Dutch, English, (quite doable) German
Skill Level Willing To Teach: div4-div6
Class(s) You Play (Optional): Scout (+ Demo)
Steam Name:Click on my picture to the left!
Location: England
Language(s) Spoken: Im unilingual! The Queens English
Skill Level Willing To Teach:Any
Class(s) You Play (Optional):Soldier
HOW BIG IS YOUR DICK (DUNC WANTS TO KNOW): Its as long as Dunc’s mothers uterual canal. We’re a perfect fit!
I’d Be happy to tutor low-mid skilled sollys on ways to improve their aim/game!
Playing things such as basketball/aim maps/mid air mod/arena to pickup the aim and rocket jumping and also teaching the best practice’s on each map of where to go and what to look out for, hit me up if anyones interested in it.
Im a div2 skilled solly with many hours spend as this class whilst playing one handed with my trousers down.
Steam Name: #dignitas on IRC
Location: Sweden
Language(s) Spoken: Swedish/English
Skill Level Willing To Teach: Any
Class(s) You Play (Optional): Scout, Engineer, Sniper, Heavy
Low availability, but when (if) I’ve got time I’ll help :P prefer to mentor Swedish teams
Steam Name: sebb24
Location: Germany
Language(s) Spoken: English, German
Skill Level Willing To Teach: Medic (div 6-5) Engeneer (div 6+)
Class(s) You Play (Optional): Medic, Engeneer,
HOW BIG IS YOUR DICK (DUNC WANTS TO KNOW): It´s Mobby Dick but it dropped from etf2l :( so i search for a new one on e-bay
-Mumble or ts²
Very nice initiative !
What does Steam ID mean ? I thought it was just a number ?
Ingame I have the name 08.Iller. My real name is Jesper. I log in with the name Bisam.
Location: Vienna, Austria (but I am a Swedish guy)
Languages Spoken: Swedish, English, bit of German and an even smaller bit of Finnish (but not enough really)
Skill Level Willing To Teach:
Any level I have enough knowledge of. I play in sdx’08, a team that will be promoted to div 4 next season.
However, as a soldier, which is my main class, I can teach some more I guess (With my almost 1400 hours with the class I have some experience).
Classes you play : Soldier only (on some occations medic) .
I would really love to get some mentoring myself, both team tactics and maybe soldier tactics from some div 1 soldier.
Steam Name: nvc7
Location: england
Language(s) Spoken: english
Skill Level Willing To Teach: high players only
Class(s) You Play (Optional): scout
players who have already enrolled include a few familiar faces you may recognise such as: appz (nvc scout school) – joske and drjustice (nvc demoman school) – albert (nvc medic school) – seppo and monki (nvc soldier school).. basically the whole of nervous.
the latest addition to nvc’s school of pro gaming excellence is non other than ex-idk’s shintaz, good luck mate!
Just remember guys, no nvc no win.
“the latest addition to nvc’s school of pro gaming excellence is non other than ex-idk’s shintaz, good luck mate!”
I’m learning how to get 29% accuracy and get beaten 26-16 by none other than the great Shintaz!
On a more relative note, I might be interested in being part of this :x If I’m bothered I’ll put all my detail stuff later but most of you should know where to find me (pickup chans, tf.wars etc)
make a mirc channel, give mentors a + or something. will be a bother to ask for help from this thread.. i think at least… or too look ppl up in mirc – in other threads than the one u create!
Yes, the mIRC idea is a good one. Eleviates the hassle of chasing down people and disturbing them in-game. Also, if you’re not mentoring, you can leave the channel. #tf2.mentor?
Contact:#tmgamers.tf2 in quakenet (TmG|Johnny)
Location: Germany
Language(s) Spoken: German/English
Skill Level Willing To Teach: Any
Class(s) You Play (Optional): Soldier
Contact: #resistansen
Location: Norway
Language(s) Spoken: engrish norwegian and swedish
Skill Level Willing To Teach: Any
Class(s) You Play (Optional): Soldier
Team Name: clanda : D
Location: UK
Languages Spoken: english
Division: bottom of 4b :D:D
Do you have a Server and Mumble/Ventrilo: Yes (Teamspeak)
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