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high div players helping out lower div players

Created 6th February 2013 @ 13:01

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Spike Himself


Quoted from herpderp


I feel like this sentence needs a disclaimer.

Well there’s always exceptions. TviQ would be one.. He just got good regardless of what he was doing or who with :D

(to those new to etf2l: yes, tviq too was in div 6 once!)

Last edited by Spike Himself,


(ETF2L Donator)

div3 is the new prem



I play with friends, can’t help it they are all better than me :(


2 of my old team mates helped my team out with some tacs and work on positioning etc, goo d guys Gubbins and Si^

Well, prem players being pro-active and helping lower div players is something that should happen more, but from my experience – if you (a lower div player) are being pro-active by yourself, it can only pay off.

For example, I added Fish a year ago and asked him if he could help me with watching and reviewing one of my objectively good/bad demos, which he did. Not only did that help me, because Fish reviewed my demo 10 mins after I have asked him + he gave me tons of advices, but more importantly it showed me some ETF2L players are willing to invest their own personal free time in helping a no-name scrub.

I am perfectly aware Fish is one of a kind guy, and I am not trying to say that lower div players should start adding prem/div1 players just because some of them seem like well mannered gentlemen, but if you want someone to help you out – try to find that person on your own.

Last edited by Reservoir Dog,



Quoted from Spike Himself


And that is exactly what this thread is about; because you’re wrong!

Playing with better players is what makes you better!

’tis a joke.

In all seriousness – I simply don’t really know anyone who’s a lot better than me, and would have me in an organised game, which is fair enough.



Quoted from Spike Himself


Well there’s always exceptions. TviQ would be one.. He just got good regardless of what he was doing or who with :D

(to those new to etf2l: yes, tviq too was in div 6 once!)

Hey! i have never been in d6 scrubland hurrrr



Quoted from TviQ


Hey! i have never been in d6 scrubland hurrrr


Spike Himself


Yeah sit down boy



its all a cover so people dont get too jealous

Last edited by TviQ,


(Legendary Ratehacks)

mentored about 15-20 people mainly scouts and i think the only one that actually made something out of it was alba which is kinda depressing cuz u usually throw in alot of time and grt nothing back

anyways dblmixes nearly everday in fb mumble just add grandma or zeyork they will get stuff done



Quoted from Link!

we don’t even have prem players

I’m sorry Link, I was getting close :(


Me and some div 7 scrubs are double mixing with 3-4 guys from logs.tf ever so often. It’s really fun and useful and I suggest more teams do the same.

san alex

Quoted from Monkeh

The Portuguese tf2 community is obviously a nice place to be involved with.

its true, we work together to bring new players to the 6s and teach them, giving a free mumble with free channels for new teams.

even t0dA helps the new players, at least for me, he help me a lot, in 2009/2010 when I join the 6s mode. ^^



Quoted from smziii

mentored about 15-20 people mainly scouts and i think the only one that actually made something out of it was alba

thx smzi <3

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