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Penny talks with Heavyisgps

Created 26th September 2012 @ 16:49

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Quoted from Monkeh


Thing is, as a team leader you only have so much time to trial people, so if you have someone who has played a season or two at the level you’re looking for and someone who hasn’t…well, why waste the time.

Also, a team leader can choose who and how they trial in any way they see fit. Who are you to expect a trial off anyone? Srsly, get over yourself.

Also also, what Ash said too, back when I was a team leader…(sniff sniff), I said no to trials for loads of people because I, or someone on my team, didn’t like them, (well, their online persona anyways), that’s life. Do you get an interview for every single job you apply for?

But you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, so srsly get over yourself


Quoted from Godof

Well,you still have to prove yourself with good team history,because history does reflect (sometimes not entirely,but at least gives a hint of) what level you’re capable of.

What if i rooster camped, yeah im sure your right still :> derpty herp



Quoted from Pennyfarming

But you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, so srsly get over yourself

Trouble with such a sweeping statement is that a) Everyone does and b) what cover are we talking about? The ‘cover’ of your etf2l profile will have screenshots of every official you’ve ever played with every team, including how many points you scored, so it gives a vague picture of skill level if you have a look. More pages than cover no?

Like I said, a team leader has the right to trial who he wants for whatever reasons he likes, I wouldn’t trial you for my (ex)team either.

get over yerselv

And yeah, I know I’m feeding the trolls and all that bullshit, but I’m bored in work and it amuses me to argue on t’interwebz…

Last edited by Monkeh,



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