Created 10th September 2012 @ 18:35
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I actually find this funny.
the whole point is that cheaters = liars
since cheating is inherently dishonest, one can never trust a cheater when he says he only cheated in pugs, or he won’t cheat again or whatever
if he cheated anywhere, it means he’s CAPABLE of cheating everywhere
trust cannot be extended to him
deal w/ it
This thread is not valid as another jew created it backing up his home boys.
Last edited by lolage,
Quoted from lolage
This thread is not valid as another jew created it backing up his home boys.
Jew conspiracy. We all know they did 9/11, know theyr’re defending cheaters.
lol? fuck off..
Quoted from AeZ!
post awaiting moderation
that’s quite rich coming from a league admin :D
Bans are fully deserved and right thing to do. This gets out in the open, if the league doesn’t make a statement then coming season people will refuse to play against these players or in a worst case scenario, the ac-admins have at least 7 demos a person to watch.
why do you cheat in dm?
Quoted from Bena
why are they banned? they didnt cheat in a competitive game, just on dm servers.
TF2 is the only game that will ban them for that. cod/cs/other games would leave them play with cheat as long as they dont play in tournaments. take demo of them or something, because you know that both of them didnt cheat once while playing a 6v6 game.I actually hate both of them, so im not defending them or something, but seriously, they dont deserve a ban, and if so, not for a whole year
why do u even ask? Cheat = ban, noone cares if they’re prem or div6, they were using third party software to gain advantages over players in multiplayer game counting on their luck to not get caught
U got a proof, and after all it’s just a 1 year ban, after that time they can play in league but won’t be seen as when people didn’t knew that they are cheating on us, no matter if they are going to cheat or not
Quoted from Si^
Waiting for a casually racist joke.
Hitler tried, Anakin succeeded?
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