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My opinion on how the European scene could go forward

Created 27th August 2012 @ 05:17

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American teams play lots of tf2 because they enjoy it. Not because they’re super keen or want to be the best.

If you hate tf2, and see playing it only as a way to get better, that might be your problem.


RaWr ::

I’ve tried many times to innovate with gameplay, but no top teams have ever wanted to deviate, or if they have, they attempt something once, it fails (because it’s the first time it gets run, compared to a play refined over a number of years to perfection), and they never give it another go.

The Americans think things through, they give new strategies, concepts and ideas a chance. They understand they might not work from day one, but usually if the theory is solid enough, they will attempt to refine it, even if it means a loss today.

In EU, there are very few deviations in strategy, and the top teams are simply the best at these few strategies, and so they stay as the top teams. The US teams are constantly adapting, trying to better each other, often realising that if they are consistently losing to a team, they have to find a new way to beat them. They try alternate classes, attack styles etc…
In Europe, if a team constantly loses to a team, they kick out whoever played terrible, and attempt to replace them with a new player, and try again, yet still play the same game.

It’s stupid. I mean, teams were even talking about banning snipers for a while, because as soon as a team uses something different, and it becomes effective, the top teams don’t want to have to adapt their current playing style, so, “Omg snipers aren’t meant to be in TF2, they slow things down, unfair, OP, blah blah blah etc..”.

I’m personally glad the US guys came over and destroyed us. While there’s going to be a very messy scene over here in Europe in the next few months, I can only feel that things will come out stronger in the long run.

And for the record, they DID come over and destroy us. “We didn’t play much” or “We were there to drink” aren’t valid excuses. That’s like me saying, “I’m the best scout in Europe… but I’m not on form when you beat me as I’ve not been playing”. There’s no credibility to it, and if you can’t produce your best in a tournament, and you lose, then the enemy team is simply higher skilled than you.



Quoted from Chaplain


The only person you control is yourself. Start doing it now and lead by example; my point is people think they can get what they want with minimal effort. Do it, start doing it now, work hard and maybe you’ll achieve something. If it fails you only have yourself to blame

fuck off Chaplain, your holier than thou bullshit stinks



Quoted from AcidReniX

I’ve tried many times to innovate with gameplay, but no top teams have ever wanted to deviate, or if they have, they attempt something once, it fails (because it’s the first time it gets run, compared to a play refined over a number of years to perfection), and they never give it another go.

The Americans think things through, they give new strategies, concepts and ideas a chance. They understand they might not work from day one, but usually if the theory is solid enough, they will attempt to refine it, even if it means a loss today.

In EU, there are very few deviations in strategy, and the top teams are simply the best at these few strategies, and so they stay as the top teams. The US teams are constantly adapting, trying to better each other, often realising that if they are consistently losing to a team, they have to find a new way to beat them. They try alternate classes, attack styles etc…
In Europe, if a team constantly loses to a team, they kick out whoever played terrible, and attempt to replace them with a new player, and try again, yet still play the same game.

It’s stupid. I mean, teams were even talking about banning snipers for a while, because as soon as a team uses something different, and it becomes effective, the top teams don’t want to have to adapt their current playing style, so, “Omg snipers aren’t meant to be in TF2, they slow things down, unfair, OP, blah blah blah etc..”.

I’m personally glad the US guys came over and destroyed us. While there’s going to be a very messy scene over here in Europe in the next few months, I can only feel that things will come out stronger in the long run.

And for the record, they DID come over and destroy us. “We didn’t play much” or “We were there to drink” aren’t valid excuses. That’s like me saying, “I’m the best scout in Europe… but I’m not on form when you beat me as I’ve not been playing”. There’s no credibility to it, and if you can’t produce your best in a tournament, and you lose, then the enemy team is simply higher skilled than you.

ArX dropping truth bombs.


nNT ≠

Stop saying that Banny is God, Jesus is in England, his name is Arx. Nice points there :)
PS: Chaplain, u motivated me, I already I’m starting to do some projects about promotion.

Last edited by Squirry,



The most funny of all this is that I bet S13 will be S10 round 4. The same stuff again.



Holy shit this forum is like pessimism central..


Quoted from CrashSite

Question. If the top team in EU doesn’t PCW, who are the teams below them meant to be training against to improve and therefore provide better competition?

nobody, which is one of reasons i gave up on making team , when as d2/1 team we struggled to find pcw


Quoted from AnimaL

[…]nobody, which is one of reasons i gave up on making team , when as d2/1 team we struggled to find pcw

Yeah when things get difficult best to just quit.



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]nobody, which is one of reasons i gave up on making team , when as d2/1 team we struggled to find pcw

So…There is one less team to find games against for the rest of us?



i agree with the fact that americans are not as one dimensional as the eu scene because of unlocks allow a new type och variety and gamestyle. Im not saying we gonna allow unlocks jjust that the yanks are faced against alot of different gamestyle mean while eu scene basicly has the same gamestyle overall


RaWr ::

It’s not even the unlocks…
The unlocks that the Americans allow, have very little effect on the game. EU are very closed on class uses, they don’t often have utility players, the gameplay style of EU teams is so highly predictable, that I could probably do a commentary without even having my monitor on… in fact… I might even try that, just to make a point ;p

I’ve said before that unlocks do add other dimensions to the game, which is what is really needed in Europe right now, but even mixing up classes seems to often be taboo in Europe. I merc for a team, try switching to sniper, heavy, pyro, spy, and it’s just like, “Arx go scout please”. Now sure, I might overdo it slightly, but the use of that Utility player in this i46 tournament by the American teams really threw the EU teams off their standard game. Usually when a team does this kind of strategy against the big 3 teams, they are a lesser skilled team than them, and the top teams often still win with just pure deathmatch, but when the top teams play each other, they just do the same thing, every single game, with very little deviation.



or its called “lame strategies” and torden refuses to play against qn´s heavy sniper combo on gullywash. noob



Quoted from AcidReniX

It’s not even the unlocks…
The unlocks that the Americans allow, have very little effect on the game. EU are very closed on class uses, they don’t often have utility players, the gameplay style of EU teams is so highly predictable, that I could probably do a commentary without even having my monitor on… in fact… I might even try that, just to make a point ;p

I’ve said before that unlocks do add other dimensions to the game, which is what is really needed in Europe right now, but even mixing up classes seems to often be taboo in Europe. I merc for a team, try switching to sniper, heavy, pyro, spy, and it’s just like, “Arx go scout please”. Now sure, I might overdo it slightly, but the use of that Utility player in this i46 tournament by the American teams really threw the EU teams off their standard game. Usually when a team does this kind of strategy against the big 3 teams, they are a lesser skilled team than them, and the top teams often still win with just pure deathmatch, but when the top teams play each other, they just do the same thing, every single game, with very little deviation.

I tend to off-class a shit ton. But there are some problems that I have run into. It seems like there are not really any off-classes to run, here’s why:

Going heavy is something I find really boring to play and play against, so I try and steer clear, even when he would be useful (been trying him on Snake a bit more recently).

Going sniper relies too much on my aim on the day. The reward can be worth it, but so rarely. I use it on last, both defense and offense, but other than that, seems like a boring choice.

Spy, I run this a ton, all the time. But this has caused something really bad, people know I run spy, so it has made my job much harder, it is a paradoxical class where practicing it in real games makes it harder over time.

Pyro, I run this a bit, mostly Badlands mids, Badlands last attacking and gully last attacking. It is really 50/50, sometimes get the 3 man or cap last, others do around 20 points of damage. Pyro is just so weak most of the time.

Engie, this is a class I only use during doublemixes to try him out, never really had the balls to try him in a “real game” even if I get good use out of him in doublemixes, i46 might make me change this.

But the biggest change I have done is to my solly and team play. I have always preferred the American play style. So we went over a STV and we now play more agressive, still working out some of the kinks as it is a much different style and you have to be super tight on your coordination, but it is working.

So I guess my points are these. First changing team gameplay is not really that hard, takes some time but it can be done.

Second, off-classes have there uses and if people can show me some other ones I will try them <3




Can we just play TF2 and stop arguing?

edit: lol at the people saying pixel is dead. The only reason pixel would ever be dead is because people aren’t playing there. Just get it active again. Making a big deal of a new pickup is just delaying the problem for a few months.

Also, bear in mind that as bassically the sole remaining active VanillaTF2 admin and owner/main admin of Pixel Pickup, VanillaPickup would just be a case of moving my bot to a new channel on IRC and clearing the database.

Pickups die because people there isn’t a critical mass of people who want to play, not because we aren’t introducing new gimmicks on a regular basis. Also it appears there are 7 games in the last 24hrs right now, well done to 95% silent majority who decided to just go play TF2 instead of complaining.

Last edited by Skyride,

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