
Your Clan TF2 Suggestions for Valve - Important!

Created 25th February 2009 @ 09:43

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and now….
the back sheep

what’s tick ?

If this is still going on, could we get some sort of scrolly thing in the audio to turn the sounds of Revenges/Dominations up and down? Just played a few pickups and our medic died because he couldn’t hear a flanking scouts shots as he just got revenge on someone. :P


>>>Aren’t the voice overs enough to let you know you’ve done damage?
After playing some quake this sound become to be outright addictive





I know what we can suggest…..FIX THE MULTICORE CRASHPROBLEM…:P I hope they will listen to me and fixa it…:P


The update text clearly said it was just for testing, so it should be fixed pretty soon.



Well its not easy to sort out, whats helpful for competetive tf2… so we will just send some pieces of suggestions to valve!

Kind regards and thx to everybody taking time!


faster movement
faster rocket
and railgun



hitsounds to compensate for the poor netcode
fov limit raised to at least 100/110 when mp_tournament is enabled
accuracy stats (no idea if this can even be parsed but would be useful)
more graphical tweaks (rocket trail, hud customisation, etc)
crosshairs similar to those found in cpma/l4d (colorblind mode): outlined in black for better visibility

and one most people will probably complain about but fuck knows why: team coloured brightskins. they don’t have to be garish to be visible.

gameplay-wise i think faster rockets that do much less splash damage, have a decreased splash radius and do more direct damage and/or are faster would be better. same goes for the demo’s pipes/nades – this game is a spamfest at times.

edit: fragga’s post on the first page has plenty of good suggestions



Nice, 39-days-old resurrection.


Topic necromancer FTW ! :D



Not seen this, but I may have missed it – cvar to limit classes, limits need to be by class, and able to set, or leave open. eg, demo 1, spy 0(open). This will allow league admins much easier control over events like highlander etc. Also someone mentioned a minimap for medics, A keypress which brings up an overlay with your team mates name and health bar would be useful



If there’s any thing added to the game that adds some sort of randomness, or potentially gamebreaking stuff like First Blood there must be a cvar for it.

One thing I’d love to see is a special form of movement for most classes. The scout can double jump, the soldier and demo can rocket/sticky jump, that’s a few of the reasons those classes are the most played.

For example, the pyro is a class that’s supposed to ambush, but he has no real tools to do that. The scout and spy also are ambush classes mainly, the spy has cloak and the scout has double jump. Pyro has nothing. It would be nice to see some sort of airblast jump or possibly an ability to jump higher with the flamethrower like in Fortress Forever

The heavy doesn’t really need a special sort of movement ability but some kind of speed buff could be useful (not much). Not for engineer really either.

The medic could maybe get some kind of dodging ability, maybe something like the crouch slide in Q4?




1: Demo Auto-Record Option

2: Specific weapon configs. i.e. configs which exec as you equip a weapon, meaning you can easily have different options set up for different weapons. Like viewmodels and auto-reload

And I think it’s already been said we need a console command to change weapons back <3, dang we do!

Thankeeee [=


rockit like

Dunno if anyone said it yet, but more advanced stv: automaps, player health etc etc

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