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Calling all skilled players, seriously ...

Created 17th February 2009 @ 13:15

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(king of all rollouts)

i dont mind helping out a bit, i’ve helped out a few people so far with playing.

byte: the only reason you use gamesense over aim is because you can’t aim!!! :DDD





element //

Well, to be honest – I dont really think that tactics are that important in TF2, unless you are competing for the top 3 spots in the Premiereship.

Tactics decide games on an equal skill level. Tactics can give you the last edge you might need over your opponent to win a match. But thats not really the thing you need in a Division 3 or 4 or even 6 team. You can drastically improve your team without tactics.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal skill. No, not the kinda skill you would all think now. It’s what Byte said a few posts up. Intelligence + Aiming + Teamwork + Gamesense is what makes you better at Team Fortress 2.

You wont improve from Division 1 players speccing you + telling you what you need to change. Because you kinda need the basics first before you can start finetuning your Gameplay.

Tell your players to work on their aiming.

Tell them to watch demos of the best players in their respective class (i.e. bybben) and see how he plays, how he deals with certain situations and why he does what he does.

Go over every map together with your team. Discuss what you wanna do on each map. Every team has its own unique players and playstyles – you cant just copy a tactic from dignitas and expect it to work for your team. Find out what everyone is good at (i.e. letting 2 aggressive scouts play defensive will fail in most cases) and try to work around it / use it to your advantage. To be honest it doesnt really matter what you do, as long as you do it as a team and everyone knows what the other one is doing / what the team is doing.

You can also try to assist weaker players. If you have a scout with a terrible aiming but incredible game sense and a second scout with perfect aiming but no brains – just pair them up and dont let them wander off alone. They will instantly benefit from each other without having to tweak much.

So much for not caring for lower players


Gossip Girl

Assault Marine Sigh

heh I never said you didnt care ;)

im glad you do. thanks again for all the input. we are doing much of what you said currently, but maybe not as a team as much as we think we are … if you know what im trying to say. I guess we need to continue to work together. :D



I wouldn’t recommend getting numlocked to merc. He did it for us once and the next thing I knew we were playing 6v6 low-gravity heavies-only gravelpit at 3am.




Byte “Some people like to go by aim and skill, i like to go by intelligence and anticipation, which would you rather have?”

aim and skill


(king of all rollouts)

LOL Jem, it fucking rocked! :DD



Well, “intelligence and anticipation” should be included included in a persons “skill” so I would also prefer “aim and skill”.



Albert Einstein vs Mike Tyson round one…ding ding…


Clearly then i must be going wrong what with me playing so bad in matches since the start of TF2, i must correct myself and make myself aware to the “aim” and “skill” required in TF2 my mistake : >

For the clever ones out there find the hidden meaning in what i said before in my other post, as for the rest who didn’t get it no commento :>




Skill is the thing you all mention


So all you need is PURE SKILL! LOL ROFL 1337 SKILL! OMGWTFNooBB!!

I think Albert would win because Tyson can not be good at TF2…and Albert is the FOOKING PWNAGE AIRGIB-ENGINEER OUT THERE! ROCK ON!


At the highest level most ppl’s aim will be the same if not very similar. A persons ability to understand the game, anticipate what their opponent will do and how they react to this is what gives them the edge. Game sense is what wins and loses matches ultimately, not aim in imo.




haha he said in in my opinion ;)
well tbh i dont think so…. if everyones aim was about similar then 1 on 1 fights should be more equal like 50 percent for everyone to win (if they had the same conditions) but i think bybben wins more 1on1 than looses them even though with the same conditions

Tapley ❤


Indeed, whats been echoed above really.
1 – Play pickups
2 – Play a few core maps with your team over and over and get some “general” tactics sorted
3 – Watch demos of top players and indeed so why they do what they do.
4- Keep a core squad of players, sure its going to be tough and you’ll have high times and low times but its about sticking together having fun and all playing together :-D
5- Have a cool Byte Sig!




element //

actually i think the Sigh tag made byte worse



” 1 – Play pickups ”

Actually, I have never tried pickups, but it seems to be some kind of agreement that there are too many noobs there and that you don’t learn anything ?

“2 – Play a few core maps with your team over and over and get some “general” tactics sorted”

Yes, this is important. Play the maps over and over and learn from your previous matches.

“3 – Watch demos of top players and indeed so why they do what they do.”

Also a good idea.
Personally, however, I feel that I don’t learn much from this anymore. Once in a while I see something nice, but usually it is more or less what I would do myself.
Here I would really like som div 1 player to comment on their actions to reveal some hidden tactics I’m not aware of by just looking at it.

“4- Keep a core squad of players, sure its going to be tough and you’ll have high times and low times but its about sticking together having fun and all playing together :-D”

This is important and maybe the hardest part of them all. You cannot force other people to play as much as you want and somtimes people have real life issues that make them leave.

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