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TF2 Is Dead?

Created 20th January 2012 @ 13:26

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Quoted from Hildreth

Like TheSucker for instance… ;)

What so he can teach them how to be bad? :DDDDDDDD



I think he meant so thesucker could be taught.

…either way it’s a lost cause.



IT IS the lack of access to games and mixes with/against higher div players? For example access to pickup2?
All the best players only seem to mix with people from the old boys club. pickup 2 is an old boys club and you cant come in!

Feels like this to a player like myself too.

Last edited by Trent,

Quoted from Hat

But again, theres no real money involved in playing TF2 at a high level .. so why bother? I myself and have always been in it for the fun factor and enjoy the community (for the most part) but tbh the prem being this bad has been a long time coming, and shouldn’t really be that surprising.

Simply for the challenge of it. Yeah, compared to e.g. Quake it’s not high skilled or anything and the “true tryharders” from those games won’t be playing but that doesn’t mean we won’t have people who enjoy a challenge. They are not likely to ever reach the same level as e.g. a Quake veteran will, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try as hard as possible.



TF2 is truly dead since I made it to prem twice now. :<



i personally dont give a shit i just play tf2 as something to past the time x


I feel as though current skill level doesn’t mean anything when it comes to joining new teams. If you have the right attitude, and you’re willing to do what you’re told, you can join the skill level above. Perhaps more mixshs guish could help people get noticed, but frankly I have a feeling that everyone would get noticed, it’s not hard to listen to people and take what they say on board.

inb4 why u no prem then



2) Play some TF2
3) Lose a lot. DONT GO EMO.
4) Get better
5) Lose Less
6) Repeat from step 2
7) ???????
8) Profit

It’s not a case of the better players not teaching lower players, watch your demos, learn for yourself.



Quoted from konr

[…]Firstly you have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t want the teams to fold, but if one player in my team literally tries to get with a slut girlfriend of another player in my team what the fuck can I do? As for you telling me to go 1 div lower, right now I’m in div 4 with some friends so what you just said is retarded. I’m not solely asking for help with a team, I’m also asking for help as an individual, which is what this thread is about.

You’re an idiot.



Bringing ppl in for pug2 is not the solution at all, pug2 is a luxury meant for those who like to play a game of tf2 without retardness (to a certain degree).

The skill gap between, Prem, div 1 and div 2 was big enough, however now due to all the quality premiership teams non-existing, myself and baerbal have been inviting many who are div 2/3.

Go back to the topic in hand, getting ppl in the pug2 is not the solution, we need leaders (i.e. proper men) who can lead a team. To get these ‘quality’ leaders you need to train them to be able to understand the game, to do that you need elitist c**t’s to get their head out of their ass and actually put the time and effort in to help you ‘lesser skilled’ people.

Sorry but if you look at every top premiership team thats come and gone, think why it’s folded, not because 1 player had to leave and go to the army, or jus got kicked but because usually the leader decides to call it a day and the team falls apart.




Quoted from Hildreth

Hat + Kaidus instead of typing on the forums you could be organising mixes with Div 2-3 shitters.

Like TheSucker for instance… ;)

Less talky more makey things happen.

why would i want to play with thesucker?



tf2 is dead? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sagq3V5K_CA#t=3m24s , quake is dead, kids playing cod & other shit. While tf2 have community & leagues, its not dead. You just dont know how ‘dead’ game looks like.


Quoted from Edd

i personally dont give a shit i just play tf2 as something to past the time x

True that.



Quoted from byte

Bringing ppl in for pug2 is not the solution at all

It may not be “the” solution but it definitely wouldn’t hurt the scene for pu2 to have an admin team who actually played pickups. Or maybe one where the same obviously eligible players didn’t need to be re-invited by this non-existent admin team every other day. OR maybe one where these eligible players didn’t need to literally search high and low for an admin to give them this invite in the first place. Maybe.

Last edited by kaidus,



Quoted from byte

Bringing ppl in for pug2 is not the solution at all, pug2 is a luxury meant for those who like to play a game of tf2 without retardness (to a certain degree).

The skill gap between, Prem, div 1 and div 2 was big enough, however now due to all the quality premiership teams non-existing, myself and baerbal have been inviting many who are div 2/3.

Go back to the topic in hand, getting ppl in the pug2 is not the solution, we need leaders (i.e. proper men) who can lead a team. To get these ‘quality’ leaders you need to train them to be able to understand the game, to do that you need elitist c**t’s to get their head out of their ass and actually put the time and effort in to help you ‘lesser skilled’ people.

Sorry but if you look at every top premiership team thats come and gone, think why it’s folded, not because 1 player had to leave and go to the army, or jus got kicked but because usually the leader decides to call it a day and the team falls apart.



You old prem players started way back when the game was just coming out. You all improved together and because of that you basically built the divisions that are there today. It’s just very difficult for someone in a lower(<2) division to get anywhere considering most people can't be assed putting in the effort, and they have to go through team after team of people that couldn't give two shits before they finally get a chance in a team that does give a shit and does want to improve.

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