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New update - Holy cow!

Created 3rd February 2009 @ 01:36

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RaWr ::

Valve have balance classes that they see issues with. Why haven’t they nerfed the demo anymore allready? Maybe they don’t see an issue with it. Besides, you should stop complaining, because if valve are so intent on balancing the game, then you don’t need to worry if demomen are overpowered, because valve will sort that out.

I’ve said it in the TFTrue posts, and i’ll say it here….. maybe in caps so you get it.

Let them change things they see fit. If they nerf the demoman, then they nerf the demoman. I don’t see a reason to nerf it, but if they do it, I won’t complain, i’ll adapt. Right now you should adapt to the fact that demomen’s stickies can do 150 damage and stop constantly bitching about it. There’s a little group of bum buddies floating around that bitch all day and quite frankly, it’s getting old. Learn to play the damn game. I played soldier for a while, in a clan, I didn’t feel there was a need to bitch about how demomen could deal more damage than me. That is the class.

If demomen are so overpowered, surely they should always be top of the scoreboard beneath the medic? In the last ‘recent results’ on the etf2l website, 2 of 8 screenshots show the demoman top (under the medic), 6 of them are other classes. Demoman doesn’t have as big an impact in a game as you would think.



Arx, I can just repeat it.

i want your babies.



So if Bush has been elected by the people, you’d say it wouldn’t make sense to complain/protest against his decisions?

We play the game made by Valve. But of course if there’s something we disagree with we complain and bitch about it.

Your only argument is “they decided it so keep your mouth shut”.

Tapley ❤


If people dont complain and bring up issues they thaught were nessisary im sure we’d all be playing 9v9 crits 2fort right now :p.
People are allowed to complain/discuss they own opinions, and if you look what tftrue/and others did, valve appear to listen, so why shouldnt people voice their opinion?

I hope one day Soldiers get a huge buff and are claimed to be overpowerd and i’ll use the excuse “Its what valve created” :p



we’d all be playing 9v9 crits 2fort right now

would that be bad?



Soldiers dont need a major buff, all TF2 needs is a demoman nerf. Its the demoman which is the main problem class for the heavy, this class alone renders the heavy weapons class useless for so many maps, it also prevents soldiers from having the impact in games which they otherwise would. Don’t believe me? Play a 6on6 without demomen and notice how much more balanced the game is.



What the fuck are you on about Fragga? Soldiers having an impact on the game that they otherwise should? Seems to me that you’re pissed that it’s the Demoman, and not Soldiers, who get to ‘make an impact’.

Demoman stickies are OP. Doesn’t mean the whole class needs to be removed -_-



Piu piu! Be a progamer & destroy the stickies before we can blow them up!!


RaWr ::

I would imagine a 6v6 with no demoman would be a 1 sided battle. If a team has an uber advantage, or caps the middle point there would be no coming back. As you’ve mentioned before Fragga, a demoman gets most of his kills when your team is on the back foot (as defensive positioning is one of the demoman’s strongest points).

If the demoman is such an effective Heavy counter (which it is), then if you are running a heavy, make the enemy demoman a primary target. Once you’ve killed the demo, your heavy will virtually run free or at least force the enemy soldiers to go aggresive to deal with him. With the demoman being a powerful damage dealer, it leaves a lot of strategy open. Do your scouts deal with the enemy scouts (to prevent a flank?), do they target fire the demoman (to eliminate the spam/main DD), do they try to go for the medic (to reduce the enemy’s staying alive power). Each one has an advantage and a disadvantage, if you are having issues with the demoman in a match, you need to change your strategy. You have a demoman too, if he’s so powerful, make the most of him like TCM do with Byte.

Again, checking the ‘recent results’ on ETF2L. None of the screenshots on the list have the demoman as the top scorer, infact, it’s normally a soldier, by quite a significant margin. How is it possible that something so overpowered rarely finishes top of the scoreboard? Sure capture points might have something to do with it, but a demoman captures too. Fact is, it’s not as imbalanced as you might think, you just notice it more because the demoman is the effective counter to YOUR class.

I get raped by scouts daily, do I like it? No. do I complain? No.


did anyone have the chance to try the “new” heavy?

Some days ago I was like “lets try this shit guys” but the map was badlands and result was pretty much a 360° failure: we didnt try on maps like granary or well yet and was wondering if the impression that the damage output is increased was wrong.

did anyone actually dare trying natascha in a scrim yet?

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