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_Good_ TF2 Server Providers?

Created 24th May 2011 @ 18:59

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The problem two days ago was very similar to a problem ~2 months ago where a lot of GSP’s were affected. This time it was the same but not so many servers were affected.

All game servers are contacting valves master servers periodically and it seems that there was an issue or still is an issue with this. The server just starts to lag or even hang-up for a few seconds. There is not much I can do because I dont know which master servers are working fine or not.

All I can do is tell you that I hadn’t changed a single bit and it works fine now as it did before. If you still have any problem just write a short mail to “[email protected]”. I normally do not look into external forums, huhy just sent me the link.






we’re having problems with our verygames.net server, it gets lag spikes -> ping goes 200+ for everyone on serv -> serv crashes. :[
you wrote on topic that .de servs are getting ddosed, any idea why / since when?

p.s: we need a .de serv since it’s the best for us jews pingwise ( we get 60~80 there which is quite good :P on NL / UK servs we get 90~110 and even more sometimes :c )


hiperz germany located servers

even jews can play on them, and ppl from NY have like 70ms to them



Quoted from AnimaL

ppl from NY have like 70ms to them



Quoted from Skyride




edit: nice bbcode filter here

Last edited by CanFo,


Stop flaming, insulting people

Last edited by huhystah,

just wanted to let you know that a customers account got hijacked due to a very weak password like “abc123”. The “hacker” used the customers ftp for illegal file sharing mainly during the night. FTP server crashed (and restarted automatically) due to the high load and I’m pretty sure the game servers lagged due to the hight load, too. Problem should be fixed now.

You can try our servers (.de and .nl) based for free. We offer a full 3 days money back guarantee. -> nice-servers.com

Last edited by Ronny,



Quoted from AnimaL


edit: nice bbcode filter here

I don’t care what screenshots you link me. I’m telling you it isn’t possible to REALLY have 70 ping from New York to an NL server.

Quoted from Alx


Quoted from Alx

Nice-Servers – Strange routing to NL servers for quite a few (not me), unstable GER server

Quoted from Ronny

FTP server crashed (and restarted automatically) due to the high load and I’m pretty sure the game servers lagged due to the hight load, too. Problem should be fixed now.


Last edited by d1ck j0nes,


Quoted from Skyride


I don’t care what screenshots you link me. I’m telling you it isn’t possible to REALLY have 70 ping from New York to an NL server.

This man speaks the truth, but stop making unrelated and useless posts now, everyone.


v. existence

Stop flaming people

Last edited by huhystah,



Quoted from Skyride


I don’t care what screenshots you link me. I’m telling you it isn’t possible to REALLY have 70 ping from New York to an NL server.




80ms then, thats what I ping to New Jersey servers. Close enough to NY for me.

Quoted from Koeitje

80ms then, thats what I ping to New Jersey servers. Close enough to NY for me.

If you got a good connection I’d say that’s about what you can expect. Yidd had 90 to LZ’s german server, 80-85 to NL servers and he is in NY.

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