TF2 Replay Update
Created 6th May 2011 @ 04:12
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Anybody interested in getting their public (or match) server replay enabled you’ll need:
– “replay_enable” set to 1 for starters. :D
– Either a HTTP server running on the same box as your TF2 server or have administrative access to a HTTP server somewhere else (this is so you can add a low-level FTP account on the server. :P).
– The latest update shipped with it the relevant .cfg files for you to set up with either method. If you have a HTTP server on the same box, use the “replay_local_http.cfg” file and follow the instructions in there to setup correctly. In the case where you’ll be offloading the replay files to another server completely you’ll be looking to configuere and use the “replay_ftp.cfg” file.
– Like I said, both come with a useful set of instructions to get you going.
afaik, TF2 won’t exact these commands straight away. If you have access to your server’s launch options you’ll want to add “+exec replay.cfg” to that command list. If you don’t, it maybe worth trying to add it to “server.cfg” or, I’m not sure if this works server-side, to “autoexec.cfg”.
Hope that helps any directors-to-be — who happen to own a server — out there. :P
EDIT: One other note for people: It would appear TF2 servers don’t treat the replay bot like an STV bot, i.e. a slot is created for the STV bot instead of it taking up a player slot. Replay appears to take up a player slot so people using 12 slot servers should keep their aspirations to be a director on hold until Valve sorts this one out. :P
Last edited by Leftism,
No p-rec anymore ?
just a script to start Valve record.
Quoted from pykow
No p-rec any more ?
just a script to start Valve record.
As the replays are STV demos I don’t see p-rec becoming obsolete any time soon.
Quoted from
Replay upload is done on the main thread (at least for Linux
servers) at least in part and can cause noticeable frequent lag spikes.
Thus, I would not recommend the FTP offloading feature until they fix it
Quoted from pykow
No p-rec anymore ?
just a script to start Valve record.
Finally i can remove all features for pub players :D
Last edited by Orange,
Crashes on 100% of saving a movie/take for me.
DX9frames, windowed mode, multicore rendering on.
Try turning off multicore rendering.
To be fair though, it is a bit buggy still, you could just be unlucky.
Last edited by Skyride,
Hopefully all servers allowed this option
Heres a straight dump of all the server side cvars for replays. Should help anyone trying to set it up on their server:
Aaaaand heres a template config file for Replays:
Somebody has a fix for the lag yet ?
you cant even play PCW atm. Lag lAg laG LAG, with a ping of 25.
every update since the mann co store has so many issues.
I get some freeze anytime and alot of my friends too.
most of them are playing the BETA version now, Cuz they cant play the normal version (if u can call it normall)
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