Technical Advice
Created 19th April 2011 @ 22:10
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Looking for a bit of technical advice as I’m completely stumped on the problem I have. I’m running tf2 on a Compaq laptop with AMD Turion Duel-Core RM72 ~2.1GZ, Nvidia 8200M G card, and 4 gigs of ram on Windows 7 32-bit (Yes I know its a laptop and not great for games but I’m a very very skint student :) ). Now I reacon this should be able to run a game that is 4 years old. Currently I use Chris’ Max FPS config and in a 6v6 getting around 40-50fps which is fine and I’m okay with it.
The only problem is about once every 5 minutes I get an overheating problem that takes my fps down to 1-6fps and it becomes unplayable for anything between 30seconds toa minute depending on how far into a map we are. This is causing a lot of losses of rounds for my clan and I don’t know what to do.
I’ve tried updating drivers but the drivers on the Nvidia site that they suggest skip out pretty much the whole 8000 series. (I’m also a total idiot when it comes to PCs which doesn’t help at all).
Just wondering if anyone could help / suggest the correct drivers if there are any since I’m pretty sure its outdated drivers that’s the problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
drivers wont help you there, that laptop is far from anywhere near the good specs to run tf2, even if game is so old, it still is one of the most cpu demanding games out in the market to be able to get stable 60fps and up
the main thing you can do – get xp
then get ur laptop cleaned and thermal pastes reinstalled, either by urself or get it done in some tech repair shop (usually costs 20-30 quid)
also use a book or smth like that to lift ur laptop above the desk to get more clean and cool air in it, it prevent overheating aswell
you can download any of the new nvidia control center drivers (266 and up) they should all work, no matter what gpu u have
Last edited by AnimaL,
You also have these things with cooling fans you can put your laptop on to keep it cool.
Last edited by Koeitje,
I tired partitioning my hard drive so i had 7 on one for work and all uses and XP on the other for tf2 but when I installed xp it overwrote the boot manager and said that there was no 7 on the laptop. It also didn’t have wireless drivers so I couldn’t connect to the internet so I basically gave up on the xp idea. Thing is it never overheated when I ran it on Vista, only on windows 7 :/
Last edited by Saro,
I had this problem on a old laptop too.
Get a can of compressed air, or just use a normal air compressor, and blow your laptop through with it. Do that once a month, and you’ll be fine! Also, as the other people have said, try putting up some books or something else, to higher the back of the laptop. You can also open a window, get some cold fresh air in, and take some cloth on ( I did that when it was winther :D )
Some drivers include software that lets you put the fans on 100% all the time. You should do this while playing games if you already haven’t.
Worked on FPS drops on my new computer and cost me nothing.
Last edited by compton,
Quoted from Saro
when I installed xp it overwrote the boot manager and said that there was no 7 on the laptop.
Probably would’ve worked if you tried it the other way around – XP install was created before win7 existed :p
Think it should be possible to edit your boot.ini (does win7 still have that?) if you know what you’re doing.
As said earlier, drivers aren’t going to help. Check out Speedfan if you want to turn your fans on 100% all of the time. Also as Koeijte said, laptop coolers are pretty ace. Just a protip if you’re going to buy one, most of the benefit you gain is from lifting the laptop up from your desk to give airflow, the fans usually aren’t a massive help.
Unfortunately though that is just a REALLY bad laptop and isn’t going to run TF2 well at all, and things are only going to get worse. :<
Last edited by Skyride,
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