Warmup for demoman
Created 16th April 2011 @ 18:36
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Well its like this. I play demoman (im not the world best at it but im okay) and im having abit of a problem when it comes to warmup. Because i know that I play ALOT better when im warmed up. But i feel it’s kind of hard todo some fasr warmup as demo. Because for soldier you can do MGE and for scout you can do deathmatch but for demo I dont know any good warmup practice. Right now im just sitting in airshot mod and that is mostly just good for my pipeaim and most of the dm servers only allows pipes. Aswell i know its good to practice with some pickups or sth but i mostly dont have that time. So if anyone has a tip or a suggestion over how todo some fast warmup please tell me. :)
Thanks in beforehand.
PS. srry bout my bad and incoherant english.
A lobby maybe?
Play Guitar Hero or Stepmania to get your fingers warm – should be enough.
Go in MGE mod and play with stickies and pipes – if they rage than laugh cos it is their problem. :D
Though me personally I play better when I am more relaxed so chilling in a public server or messing around in warmup as a Pyro, huntsman sniper or something so you don’t flip about your aim in warmup and lose confidence then get stressed.
Another good thing would be going in your empty match server and just jumping around, practise your rollout, sticky jumping.
You can also re-watch yourself playing in a demo, watch what you did well and look at what you need to improve, when you get in the server you can get straight into trying to change your mistakes.
Just a few suggestions, main thing though try not to worry about your aim so much, just try to relax and you’ll have a clearer head to think about reacting to situations (this includes aiming) and ultimately perform better.
Fuck load of tr_walkway helps too.
Quoted from grimbar
Play Guitar Hero or Stepmania to get your fingers warm – should be enough.
How about playing drums? :D
Quoted from jgmaster
Yeah. That is kind of what i do now. But solidsnake was all about pipeaim so…
Quoted from Ryssen
Yeah. That is kind of what i do now. But solidsnake was all about pipeaim so…
whereas you can only sticky spam :D
It’s really hard to warm up as a demo because when you are thinking about aim and stickies people just get so angry when they meet in-game situations like sticky-using demomen and won’t really allow it in their practice things. I never really rely on my aim as a demo though, my aim is crap and that won’t change. I simply warm up my mind with something like: or any other kind of puzzling task to start thinking clearer. If I play the game too much I just think less and less which really destroys my whole playstyle.
solidsnake is pretty crap anyway
if you want to warm up your stickies just hit some pub and rapeface
I just play one or two mge as demoman only using pipes
Quoted from _Ben
saxton hale?? best warmup for every competitive class
Yeah but the warmup’s even better on Degroot Keep Saxton Hale.
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