Weird lag
Created 1st April 2011 @ 13:27
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Quoted from chipstalaizah
Well, my problem has started to spread to other programs and games as well. Checked with my ISP and they stated that there is a cable break somewhere near here, which is apparently hard to fix at this time.
Funny how the problem wasn’t on their website until I made the call spite the fact that it’s been there for a few days.
It’s not just you, I’m from Egypt still getting same problem. As of now it seems like a problem with ATI new driver.
I used to have this, but somehow it mysteriously went away…
My issue was with mumble overlay. Now, instead of warping, my fps just goes haywire, sticking at 120 before dropping to 60-50-20-10 (yes, in sequence, wtf)…
And I’m not using ATI.
I don’t think that it should be the drivers in my case, if ATI doesn’t include an automatic download/install thingy. Haven’t changed the drivers since mid February, but then again, were 11.3 drivers out by that time?
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