The Scenario
Created 22nd March 2011 @ 16:08
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Quoted from Admirable
Interesting discussion!
Pretty much why I like American rules ^_^
The problem I have with American rules, is when it gets to BO3, then we can get 3 hours of gaming. This is not spectator friendly. Looking outside of e-sports the most a game goes on for is around 90 mins, which seems ample time.
Let’s just admit it; the problem everyone has with american rules is that they are american.
I’d love to see some stats on the average actual time played in the American format games…
Quoted from Dummy
pcw results* if you want to be idiotically precise and be treated like you cant read into lines
so now you blame him because you can’t make your own point across? good job.
ontopic: I don’t think there should be drastic game or rule changes against this really. the team that lost mid will just have to do something unexpected e.g. kritz or something.
But let’s say the scenario was the following: you’re down by 1-0 on a map say, badlands, playing against Tt. Your team has spire and you’re on stone bridge, when suddenly the enemy team decides to push for no reason at all. The enemy team fails, and you find yourselves pushing last with all 6 against their 4 or 5.
Ryb puts stickies on the point while Darn gets on the point for the capture, when all of a sudden, you make a very grim discovery…
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