The Scenario
Created 22nd March 2011 @ 16:08
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Quoted from vlad_drac
All of this, yet a few medic/sniper unlocks = ragequit league
There seems to be quite a difference between darn’s proposal and proposing the use of unlocks. The former is fixing a problem whilst the latter is superfluous.
Anyway, while I think darn’s idea would improve the game I’m not sure it’s entirely necessary. If you look at a game like quake, at the highest level a lot of the games degenerate into an equivalent situation to the one discussed here and no one seems to mind. If rapha is 5 up on cypher with 2 minutes to go, chances are he’s going to just take a stack and avoid cypher for as long as possible until he’s forced to make an risky aggressive play. It’s a shit way of playing but I don’t think it’s particularly harmed the game.
Easy solution to promote aggressive gameplay : instead of 1b cash prize, the team wins 100k for each round they scored above the other team.
Doesn’t sound very practical though.
its obvious. Force medic duel mini game, winning medic keeps uber, losing medic drops uber
Quoted from baerbel
how is playing to win a shit way to play any game
Esports are only as succesful as the people who want to watch them. It’s a shit way of playing in the sense that it discourages spectating.
To be honest euro games are boring, as darn described the teams do turtle like shit to secure a win. But if you would think of it, there are more chances to loose if the enemy team does something unexpected move and takes a pick (like spy/sniper), then you lost the match for nothing.
If you manage to get a pick while holding then push. You can always leave someone to watch the point (probably the soldier who is capable to shoot the ground better or a scout) and cap the next one.
So yeah, if you think defending is better just be a hero and then get capped so you can’t win anymore because there is no time left.
Last edited by alfa,
Lose only has one o. Loose means slack. ;)
Meanwhile back on topic – how often does this actually happen? I watch a fair few top level games with relatively close teams and they don’t seem to often fall into the stagnant “wait on three until the round ends” situation.
In my humble opinion, turtle play is boring indeed. But it’s a part of a game. Like football. You pay some € to watch 22 idiots scoring zero goals in 90 minutes. And still both teams get one point.
Quoted from Darn
2. Roundtime to 3-5 minutes.
the most interesting solution and the best
Last edited by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,
Quoted from TopGear
its obvious. Force medic duel mini game, winning medic keeps uber, losing medic drops uber
Instead of actually fragging and capping points, medics duel to decide who may freely cap the next point! To add a little extra spice, the entire team may sit in spec and make calls to aid their medic!
Seems to me you’ve forgot about playing to win, Darn. Read this
Flawed, but gets the point across.
I also disagree with the notion of 2 teams constantly head butting each other being a rule for what’s most entertaining to spectate. Fact is, one most boring game I can recall, was seeing Diggy vs Power w +m1 the ETF2L playoffs – While TCM’s chase against a Tt doing exactly the scenario you described, was highly entertaining.
But hey, just get a mapper and try it out.
Last edited by torden,
I think the problem is not about how often it happens. It doesn’t happen most of the time because people are playing this game for fun. They don’t want to sit there for 10 minutes holding a point, they would much rather just push and maybe fail… because it would be more fun.
The problem is that it is still one of the (if not the most effective) strategy in that situation. The option for a team to do this exists, and it will become more apparent in matches where money is involved. While I am a fan of strategy, and using the game’s design to your advantage, this is only theory crafting, and we are just discussing potential ideas that could maybe improve gameplay both for the players, and the spectators. Chances are nothing would be changed, so you can be a bit wild with your ideas.
One of my ideas, would be something like this:
The lockdown punishment:
Each team gets categorised. Whoever holds the most control points, is categorised as ‘The Attackers’. Naturally whoever holds the least control points gets categorised as ‘The Defenders’.
If the attackers fail to gain or lose any ground (captured or lost a control point) after 3 minutes of game time, the defenders receive a 50% temporary health increase for 20 seconds. This would occur every 3 minutes where the situation has not changed up until the 10 minute mark where the round ‘stalemates’, as it allready does.
All of the numbers could be tweaked about a bit… it’s just an idea.
What I feel this would do, is pressure the attacking team to push quicker. It wouldn’t really play too large a roll in a typical 6v6 game, as most capture points do change hands before 3 minutes.
It would also create more back and forth matches (which tend to be quite exciting).
It would also mean that a team that defends their last CP really well (for longer than 3 minutes) would get rewarded and have a decent chance to push out. While I don’t think that should be the reward, what it does mean is that the attacking team might go for a few more ‘all in’s’, rather than just prodding at the enemies last CP, and then moving back out if the first 3 seconds of their uber hasn’t gone perfectly.
Another idea based on this, would be a scaleable health increase. You could give the defenders 10% health increase after 3 minutes….. 20% health increase after 4 mins, 30% after 5 mins, 40%…. you get the picture.
In each of these cases though, the health increase must only be temporary (20 seconds max), and at an easy to predict time (maybe a warning appears up on the round timer for both the attackers + defenders). The reason for this is obviously because if a team is winning, and is turtling their 2nd or last cp, you don’t want to give them a constant health increase which makes attacking them even harder. A temporary health increase would give the defenders an incentive to push, and by knowing the timing, the attackers do not need to push during those 20 seconds (so it won’t affect the attacking team’s push much).
Quoted from AcidReniX
If the attackers fail to gain or lose any ground (captured or lost a control point) after 3 minutes of game time, the defenders receive a 50% temporary health increase for 20 seconds.
Defenders turtling point, attackers trying hard to cap but failing, and you want to reward the defenders for that by giving them even more health?
Change shouldn’t be necessary, a well executed push (or a roamer to pop them first) should win over defenders, because of the element of surprise and the fact that attackers have the initiative. And what happened to utility classes?
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