The Scenario
Created 22nd March 2011 @ 16:08
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Quoted from Sketch
ooooh oooh wait i got it!!!!!! i got it. aren’t there like 5 other classes that you can swap to to try and break up a turtle scenario?
i think i heard a friend mention one of them once. he can go invisible then stab ppl in the back and shit. that sounds pretty cool. and there’s this other guy that can set shit on fire and shit. and another guy who can take loads of damage and shit and has a fucking minigun like wot you get on a chopper! and there’s some lame ass aussi dude who chucks his wee on everyone. and if you blow your trumpet you can give all of them critz!
None of the above are in anyway close to being superior to ultimate turtle tactics.
Are fins/swedes complaining again? fml kill me.
Alse there are certain unlocks that would help break the turtle, consider using them.
Last edited by Martn,
Darn proposed a timer of 90secs until you start losing uber. I mean, if you dont heal for 90 seconds youre surely doing something wrong.
dont be bad. the number one rule for anything competitive. if youre going to turtle then turtle, the team losing needs to come up with tactics and find ways of pushing the winning team. a decent spy pick during stalemates is fun and worth it. time your pushes with the spy so he can get a pick whilst theyre distracted. but this would require communications… oh well nvm better uninstall and play call of duty
Quoted from Martn
Are fins/swedes complaining again? fml kill me.
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH. A. This has not happened yet, and with this cvar or whatever applied it wouldnt have any change to the current metagame. Just prevent the boring stalemates which could occur. I think you should read the post thru. Read the comments once more. Now go back and read it again after that most of all just shut up.
Last edited by Darn,
Quoted from rAye.
dont be bad. the number one rule for anything competitive. if youre going to turtle then turtle, the team losing needs to come up with tactics and find ways of pushing the winning team. a decent spy pick during stalemates is fun and worth it. time your pushes with the spy so he can get a pick whilst theyre distracted. but this would require communications… oh well nvm better uninstall and play call of duty
Problem is losing team already is disadvantaged in too many ways. Winning team needs a reward for being ahead, but not to the extent it is atm.
Id like to see how fixed spawntime would work on TF2 – reenforcements after every 30/20 secs.I think it would make game more intresting.
Quoted from Tafka
Id like to see how fixed spawntime would work on TF2 – reenforcements after every 30/20 secs.I think it would make game more intresting.
way to make even slower :d
Quoted from kuma
Problem is losing team already is disadvantaged in too many ways. Winning team needs a reward for being ahead, but not to the extent it is atm.
fair but maybe this is where the game is going towards. people will just have to start main classing spy or something and finding advantages other ways. i think the main stalemates come from the standard tf2 play, people just need to think about exploiting certain classes abilities. this would obviously mean that vanilla + med would be loads better as thats the way classes were designed so random shit will be taken out and actual tactics can be designed possibly.
i dunno im just rambling because im hungry.
If a map is too easy to turtle then it’s the map’s fault, not the rules. If this is the case with granary, then we should start lobbying for its removal from competitive play until it is fixed by valve / the community.
If a team has an advantage through their own legitimate play, then the rules should support that, not undermine it. A rule should only be used to make sure both sides are fairly balanced at the point of entry into a game, not to re-balance the skills of the two teams after the game has begun.
Also the round-time solution wouldn’t work. It was tried on earlier versions of obscure and it didn’t make it easier to attack, adding the new entrance from CP3 to CP2 did.
This is very simple.
You win middle, you are 1-0 ahead you have the right to use the map in your favor, if the map allows you to camp you can do so because you played better the first round and the midfight after that, it is up to the team that is losing to make up for the difference again.
lowering roundtime will not solve this issue: it will make the defenders camp 2nd cp until the round is over so they can have a fair shot at mid cp again, not having to push.
uber fading would also not work because it would force a team to push while they might not be in an advantagous position due to any variable, positioning, losing players, cp times, respawn times map lay-out and so on.
The only real way to solve this “problem” is to not play maps that reward defenders heavily.
The only time the losing team can push with an advantage is an uber or numbers advantage. With equal ubers, they are forced to uber first which puts them at a significant disadvantage. The only way to work around this is a major suicide play forcing the pop beforehand, or swapping to sniper/spy. Either of these leave you at a disadvantage numbers-wise, with the spy option doing so as soon as you switch class.
The map is only a factor when the pushing team is forced to uber significantly early due to the architecture of the point, or if it is extremely difficult to bomb/pick. On all other points, the losing team is at too much of a disadvantage to risk much.
Take pushing from last for example, you need at least 3 picks to consider pushing out due to respawn times, threat of backcaps, etc. Pushing from CP2 > 3 is just this on a lesser scale.
Last edited by kuma,
The losing team is always at a disadvantage in any game/sport, that’s what makes them fair. Do badly and you will be punished, forcing you to take risks or play a lot better than your opponent to get back on even terms. Think about chess, the more pieces you lose the less chance you have of winning the game unless you take some major risks with your most important pieces.
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