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An evaluation of tf2tv

Created 5th March 2011 @ 13:10

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Quoted from octochris

i do think that tf2tv have done a really good job this far. but now that it is set up, there definitely are changes that should be made and habits which need to be broken if tf2tv is to be seen as a serious esports casting org.


It’s just about taking the next natural step and proceeding.

Quoted from nvc

It doesn’t really bother me what you think pal, we’re doing just fine without your input. ;)

That’s a tad bitter ziggy.


I think that it is important for there to be a seperate “observer’ and main caster. In football, the camera is not controlled by the main caster, and that is becasue it is alot easier to simply talk or move the camera than do both at once. You have to remember that tf2tv does dual mumble+livestream casts at the same time, there are people in stv watching their vaourite player in 1st person that want to be informed as to what is going on.

It’s so much easer to follow the action in football because there is only 1 ball where all the action is concentrated, there are 12 ‘balls’ in tf2 that can make a play or have something happen to them at anytime.

Quoted from Special_K

WATCH AND LEARN – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG1JCGG8H14





I might be wrong but TF2TV teams looks like Pledge & friends.


I agree on all points.



First and foremost they should not go first person most of the time. This is a team game and it’s a lot more interesting to try and watch what the entire team is doing than watching a single person fire rockets at the wall for building ubercharge. That is the biggest issue and should be adressed first. The rest can, in theory, evolve if they learn to understand the game from watching it properly. They will be able to better comment on the actions and in turn will be able to talk more, perhaps even form different opinions on the matter and discuss the pros and cons.

And i’ll just go ahead and say it: people that like first person more than an overview are the mental equivalent of a 2-year old watching bright flashy colours.



The majority of tf2tv casts are mostly in 3rd person. Not sure what ones you saw.



Last time i watched they were in first person a fair amount of the time, i had to tell the to stop before they went to third person, haven’t watched the latest ones though so maybe they learned. I also noticed a lot of viewers crying about them going third person when they did so i felt i needed to mention it again.



70% of the epsilon vs bbashers playoffs game was first person :)


I am going to laugh so hard when commanderX sees this thread.

Last edited by phy-,

the bm man




Quoted from the bm man


Because me ‘n him have been talking about making a post like this about TF2TV for ages.
But we didn’t have the balls to because wed have the whole community on our ass. Cus people can’t take critisicm



Quoted from Nigh

I might be wrong but TF2TV teams looks like Pledge & friends.

I might be wrong but TF2MM team looks like Nightbox and… NOW WAIT A SECOND.



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