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An evaluation of tf2tv

Created 5th March 2011 @ 13:10

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I agree with the casters swearing. takes away any sort of professionalism.



Tf2 casts in my opinion have a far less serious tone than say css, i guess that would be a cause for concern.
Id say bring back quadv casts if anything.



Needs more Pledge + mvp casts :)



i love it when they swear


Quoted from SfynX

Tf2 casts in my opinion have a far less serious tone than say css, i guess that would be a cause for concern.
Id say bring back quadv casts if anything.

You know

I would look at tgbf as the best casting of tf2 match I have seen.

If tf2tv could be more like that then that would be awesome :)


Shame it is not very active at the moment :<

Last edited by Turbo,



@turbo nah lad, the good old pwnage.tv days were the best


I agree on all points.

I don’t see the need to post it in public first, although I understand that you very much like attention, but I will give you benefit of the doubt and assume you believe it was the best thing to do. You should at least have stated your opinions to TF2TV first, instead of assuming the changes won’t go through.

Quoted from Skyride

Professionalism: You mention this from the Epic.LAN final, I agree with you about the swearing. However the main casters were ShoX and David given they were at the event. ShoX is not usually even a caster for TF2TV and it’s just how he talks, so fair play to him really.

That’s more of an excuse than a valid reason. I keep hearing about various Brits, that “it’s just how he talks”. You can control how you talk, it’s easy. Dunc definitely doesn’t use any curse words when mailing Robin Walker and I’m certain Shox wouldn’t either. You just need to be in the right mindset. If you’re not, you will hurt the cast more than you’re helping it by casting.

Telebear: If you truly care about any of this community stuff, you seriously need to stop your baby trolling so that people actually read and care more about what you have to say. Wait… I should’ve said that in private first…

Was expecting you to use Byte + JimmyBreeze as prime examples as to how it should be done. When’s the partnership contract being signed lads?

And nvc, no offense, but whenever I watch a Quake cast – I either watch one on ESL or yours with it muted. Not because of your sexy voice, but because of the fact crink did a better job over mumble and he had less of an idea of what was going on than I did.

the bm man


I forgot to say shoutout to ghent



Quoted from ashkan

Telebear: If you truly care about any of this community stuff, you seriously need to stop your baby trolling so that people actually read and care more about what you have to say. Wait… I should’ve said that in private first…

Quoted from the bm man

I forgot to say shoutout to ghent



Quoted from Shintaz

And nvc, no offense, but whenever I watch a Quake cast – I either watch one on ESL or yours with it muted. Not because of your sexy voice, but because of the fact crink did a better job over mumble and he had less of an idea of what was going on than I did.

It doesn’t really bother me what you think pal, we’re doing just fine without your input. ;)

Last edited by nvc,


WATCH AND LEARN – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG1JCGG8H14




wtf at telebear making a post which i agree with in entirety

i do think that tf2tv have done a really good job this far. but now that it is set up, there definitely are changes that should be made and habits which need to be broken if tf2tv is to be seen as a serious esports casting org.

Last edited by octochris,



I would love to see more play by play from casters. Even in a general sense – what happened, why it worked/didn’t work, etc.

Big shoutout to the tf2tv team though. The effort in making these casts is hugely appreciated and I really think they’ve done a great job so far.

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