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Created 14th January 2011 @ 17:33

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oh my god, the maths…insta-mindfucked.

Time to read through carefully and understand the applied math



lots of mad around here


holy fuck cloud


cloud for math teacher

didnt really read much of the details, but if someone says forzaeagle is doing something that isnt allowed, and admins investigate it, and actually see that this rumours are true. than there is no coincidence in this matter? :o

Anyway, ban all females out of tf2! they make troubles in our humble male community!






Too much stats. Bloody hell…
BRB going outside



@ Demourge
-In my language , it’s not a joke. You know that.
-AHAHAHA, yeah. it doesn’t bother you at all , right.
-You can expect from a demoman to go for topscore if your demoman can’t get any uber. I had to play with our scouts.
2 soldiers pushed all the time. It was ok in AFS but it wansn’t ok in div1. You never see this. And about your results. You can’t imagine
how I was happy. Of course not for you , for the rest of the team.
-Yeah , that’s why hat said those words. right demourge. Should I tell you how pushed alone on the secound point? Or should I
tell you how yell at us in that part?

-And if we are start to share logs , please let me how I was kind. Even when you try to back-stab me:

17:43 – rague :): kusura bakma
17:43 – rague :): birşey paste etmem gerek (işte bu yüzden seni de silmem gerek)
17:43 – rague :): :D
17:44 – rague :): ey allaım ya
17:44 – cN Forza Sugar :): paste ?
17:44 – cN Forza Sugar :): bütün bunları atacaksın sanırsam demourge , yine ben gidecem anlaşılan
17:44 – cN Forza Sugar :): sil ne yapayım
17:44 – rague :): 5:43 PM – MTF.px A Wild Demsii Appears!: Gee, isn’t it fun when people talk behind your back?
17:44 – rague :): yok yok
17:44 – rague :): sana birşey iletmemi istedi :(
17:44 – cN Forza Sugar :): BEn onun hakkında konuşmadım
17:45 – cN Forza Sugar :): şunu atsana ona , onun hakkında beni konuşturmak isteyenlere
17:45 – cN Forza Sugar :): verdiğim cevap bu
17:45 – rague :): olanları anlattım sadece konuşmalarımı değil.. gene yanlış anlama da
17:45 – cN Forza Sugar :): we had some issue’s between me and demourge. We talked about that , we didn’t find a same common ground about that. I explained the situation to him and What I did , Why I did. He refused many things on that . /Some curse etc./ I left the team.
17:45 – cN Forza Sugar :): Onun hakkında hala kibar olmaya çalışıyorum
17:45 – cN Forza Sugar :): o ise beni işi bellemiş
17:45 – rague :): he
17:45 – rague :): :D

-All comminity knows how a person you are. I was worry about that when I join the team.
You weren’t a main caller at all. When you go mad you didn’t talk at all. Please..
– About how old I’m.. Should I stay like 5 years old kid and do nothing ? LOL!

@For some people
I made a long thread like this because I wanted to tell you how it’s start.

@ Rague
1- Yes, you were my friend when I was talking to you. I told demourge what I say to you.
I talked and share thoughts with you because you knew much more than me about them. And yes , I knew it was not a secret
what I talked with you but I thought you made a line when you talked with them. I trusted you about this because you came to me
first for wanted to help.

2- This is not a proof of unnecessary thread beacause of the long. If I don’t defend myself like this subjects ,
Which subjects I should do ? You think this thread so long beacuse I want to see people are feeling sorry for me?
You should look down the sky so you can see the truth.

3- Why cN players wanted to start a rumuor like this? You think they get a benefit because
of this rumour? And even DWE team ; You think they get a benefit as well because of this rumour? Which DWE team know
how I help them. You should think more obviously.

4- And the last part. The one you left with a sentence. If we are talking about “truth” , please , you should say this:
Which team you were in before cN build? Retro Style. Who was the captain in this team? Dg. Aren’t you feel angry
about him when Retro Style fold? Isn’t that start when I was in px? And Didn’t demourge say “Why
the hell you are in a team with dudes?” ? We have like 35 people in our compatitive and they all know who are hating against who.
You shouldn’t worry about like this things.

@ Admins Team
They said they had smilar ip’s. This showed they don’t know about anything Turkish ISP system. (Do you want to tell them demouge? How I spend money for a get better ip? Please ,don’t bother.)
If they banned me because of this , it’s just sad. Because in my country ; there ‘s one ISP and some companies trying to get more part from that ISP.
You can see same ip at 3 different pc’s in a day. Some people know me in what situation I’m playing this game.
And if you don’t , let me show you how I’m playing this game most of time: http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/155/cpobscurerc20000.jpg

Maybe smilar ip can be proof for other countries but you need more proof in this situation.
I hope you can find more serious proof in the future.
with all my best wishes , Forza.

Ps: Sorry for all my grammar mistakes.



Quoted from Skyride

Assuming Chris is right about them using XFF, Alesline would have to be sharing an IP with his ISP’s proxy server which is a setup that no half sensible tech in the world would ever do in the first place.

bt did it lol



Hey guys I need to write an essay any tips?


Quoted from .

@ Demourge

-You can expect from a demoman to go for topscore if your demoman can’t get any uber. I had to play with our scouts.

THIS IS exactly how I feel. :C



-In my language , it’s not a joke. You know that.
-AHAHAHA, yeah. it doesn’t bother you at all , right.
-You can expect from a demoman to go for topscore if your demoman can’t get any uber. I had to play with our scouts.
2 soldiers pushed all the time. It was ok in AFS but it wansn’t ok in div1. You never see this. And about your results. You can’t imagine
how I was happy. Of course not for you , for the rest of the team.
-Yeah , that’s why hat said those words. right demourge. Should I tell you how pushed alone on the secound point? Or should I
tell you how yell at us in that part?

Let me rephrase then, you are the only turk that took offense of it, all the other turks just laughed.
You had enough über, I even encouraged our medic to über you at times, but if nothing happens, no kills, no forcing, nothing.. Then yeah, hmm. We play with a rather aggressive soldier duo, true, it’s what a lot of teams employ fyi.
I’m glad to hear you were happy for us, but that’s besides the point, it’s showing where the weak link was, in case it wasn’t clear. Also just because someone else saw you as annoying during a match, hardly weights more than someone that has been playing with you for months I’d say .. :)

-All comminity knows how a person you are. I was worry about that when I join the team.
You weren’t a main caller at all. When you go mad you didn’t talk at all. Please..
– About how old I’m.. Should I stay like 5 years old kid and do nothing ? LOL!

All community? I didn’t know I had played with so many people .. All what goes around is a bandwagon story that has been with me since the [FB] days .. And I’m not really a cunt, unless you deserve it by talking shit to me to start with or if you’re really a massive retard, I’m sorry.
Really .. I wish I wasn’t the main caller then, so I won’t have to tell the entire team when to push and whatnot .. And yeah, when I get annoyed and feels like it doesn’t matter anyway because people don’t listen (wink wink, hi) anyway, I don’t really see the point, sorry.

You really wanna continue this? ‘Cuz I’m getting bored already..

Last edited by demsii,



Quoted from demsii

All what goes around is a bandwagon story that has been with me since the [FB] days

tfc days*



Quoted from Predz


tfc days*

the dawn of time*



Quoted from octochris


ip-related is fine as long as it involves XFF headers. that would be proof.

you’re such a nerd :|

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