Mixes :D
Created 2nd January 2011 @ 18:30
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Well, I’m hurting for some mini-competitive play (because I still don’t have a team yet), and lobbies just doesn’t cut it anymore.
I need to find mixed scrims/pugs that I can use to keep my medic reflexes in touch. Lobbies are nowadays full of i-rage-at-my-medic-because-he-didnt-uber-me bullshit, honestly.
Any suggestions on who I should contact who does this quite often?
If you add me on steam some teams that I know play most nights, most hours (lol no social life) and they’re pretty good for getting used to new players. Probably about your level too, but who knows really.
Quoted from FIR
Lobbies are nowadays full of i-rage-at-my-medic-because-he-didnt-uber-me bullshit, honestly.
Big quote for me.
I play medic on Lobby and some mixes but.. are often full of i-rage-at-my-medic-because-he-die-but-i-didn’t-see-the-scout-incoming-behind-his-back!
Quoted from eRB
So true!
@Sideshow, I’ve added you already. I would appreciate if you could help give me a quickstart into the teams you mentioned :D
Quoted from eRB
I play medic on Lobby and some mixes but.. are often full of i-rage-at-my-medic-because-he-die-but-i-didn’t-see-the-scout-incoming-behind-his-back!
I play medic and I get raged at if I dont see the scout behind early enough. Soldier looks forward, medic looks behind.
Quoted from Monkeh
I play medic and I get raged at if I dont see the scout behind early enough. Soldier looks forward, medic looks behind.
Yeah,but when you call: “scout from etc.etc.” and nobody help you.. ?! eh eh…
Lobby is bad.
lobbies are basically, where ppl who cba to play properly play, and yeah, full of piece of shit ragers. also i would like to know where i can get some mixes, lobby gets so boring.
Last edited by Bonkers,
To be fair to tf2lobby, I’ve had many really good matches, complete with comms and everything. I’ve also had many awful, awful matches too. It’s very hit and miss, but it isn’t a complete waste of time.
I find if you make a bit of effort with comms it often forces others into using their microphone too. If you play with some people who do use comms and seem to know what they’re doing, add them on steam and get together again.
brb, off to lobby :D
Monkeh is right, if I ever see the :ne: guys in a lobby it’s pretty much guaranteed to be a good one, some people are good, just find those people and play together with them. Seeing as I have the chance I’m gonna thank you for all the good games Monkeh.
alright, to be fair to lobbies, not ALL of them are bad. I’ve had some decent ones too.
but comms are more terrible than they are wonderful in lobbies. I’m not saying it’s 100% horrible, I’m saying that more often than not, people go for lobbies for opportunities to whack airshots and bookmark like crazy rather than train comm skills. And for me, comm skill is something I MUST have as a medic (no need to mention gamesense, its pretty obvious it’s a must-have, as any medic without gamesense should just gtfo lol), so it pretty much makes it a waste of time lobbying when people arent interested in comm.
which is why I seek mixes, because from what I hear, mixes are more coordinated and comm is much practiced in mixes.
I approve!
Make some kind of group/list of people who want to play a mix at some weird times or at normal ones but they still don’t have a team or their team is just afk’.
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