QuakeHUD (Based off Broesels)
Created 20th December 2010 @ 22:43
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Can you make when your teammate is low on health and your cross is on him, that you can see his health in red or something like that ? It would be nice to see faster when someone is low on health..
1. I’ll look into a server timeleft label; cuz I will even use that too. The timer doesn’t really matter tbh, it doesn’t make any sense unless you are in a stalemate-bound pub. I’d love to have a timeleft on my HUD :)
2. In the next addition I hope to release multicolored HP values on the Target ID’s, even I don’t like how they are currently, lol…but I might just add the HP cross because I don’t know how to make the ID’s color coded depending on HP, but I’ll try and figure it out.
Yeah It’s a nice hud, but the text feels far too low after coming from broesels.
Really like the charge bar and % near the xhair though. gj
Awesome looking HUD, if I didnt have my own one right now I would definitely get this one instead.
Good hud and i love the font. But there is something to fix: in resolution 1280×1024 the hp/ammo thingie is kinda messed up. nothing else to fix imo ;)
Thx for the HUD
can you make the health/ammo values go middle of the screen like broesel has? already got the health moved but ammovalue is too much of a challenge for me :P
got it like this, i want the ammocount to same level as health:
edit: thanks to compton, it works:
so (hudlayout.res) goes to tf/scripts/
and (hudplayerhealth.res) goes to tf/resource/ui
Last edited by tarmo-,
Quoted from tarmo-
can you make the health/ammo values go middle of the screen like broesel has? already got the health moved but ammovalue is too much of a challenge for me :P
got it like this, i want the ammocount to same level as health:
(the hudplayerhealth.res can be found: )
needs to be done in hudlayout.res
Quoted from tarmo-
edit: thanks to compton, it works:
Oh, I like the HP/Ammo modification there. Might have to steal more than just the scoreboard xD
the hp and the ammo should be like broeselhud its shouldnt be at the bottom and when u are medic the % is to small make it bigger or something and in a box like most of the huds anyway good hud.
Quoted from tarmo-
got it like this, i want the ammocount to same level as health:
How did you get your fov that high? Can you also lower it (past default)? Been having trouble with editing and fovs lately just wondering if you know something I don’t [:
Last edited by hapha,
Quoted from flynn
1. I’ll look into a server timeleft label; cuz I will even use that too. The timer doesn’t really matter tbh, it doesn’t make any sense unless you are in a stalemate-bound pub. I’d love to have a timeleft on my HUD :)
Don’t prioritize it atleast, not really too important, as a matter of fact idk what I was thinking when I asked for it :P
What tarmo said. In love with the text though :D
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