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Created 18th December 2010 @ 02:02

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Instead of blanket bans and blanket unbans, I propose we go through each of the weapons 1 by 1, test them out, consider their effects and then make an informed decision.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from Randdalf

Instead of blanket bans and blanket unbans, I propose we go through each of the weapons 1 by 1, test them out, consider their effects and then make an informed decision.

I’d love to see some sort of independent panel set up to define the ruleset.
We need to unite under one banner!



ETF2L go Vanilla + Medic plz. (Yeah, u can allow the new medic weapons)

Just ban weapons, allow hats :) Altho this is a Hat Simulator.




Quoted from Lynn

No, you indeed don’t HAVE to choose between all or none, but either of those would be the easiest solution at this point. Just banning everything new without any thought just because they’re new wouldn’t be a very fair way of doing things. Hell, the only reason Polycount weapons are currently banned, is because the update came right at the start of the season and they couldn’t possibly discuss all of the new items in time.

Also, I can’t even remember the names of most of these new weapons … I even have trouble remembering some of the new Polycount pack ones still. If you’re been gifted with a great memory that can remember all these things then good for you! But don’t assume people that can’t do so right off the bat are retards. Thank you. :)

How is banning unlocks we’ve previously allowed easier than just banning the new ones?



everytime etf2l, dont u all get bored of pretty much saying the same things on every weapon update thread?


Quoted from flisko

everytime etf2l, dont u all get bored of pretty much saying the same things on every weapon update thread?




Quoted from Tikcus


clearly not, 10-30% believe in the v+medic extreme

probably 10-30% believe in the allow all extreme

however there is probably 30-50% that are quite happy for every unlock to be assessed and allowed when it is deemed suitable, the problem with this option is who decides the suitability? the handful of admins, a pointless open vote that allows everyone to have their say (knowing that soldiers will want to ban all none soldier items, scouts ban all none scout items etc)? or a vote 1 clan 1 vote system, or like i’ve said previously a panel made up of ~30 people from all divisions to discuss the unlocks in a calm civilised manor (pricks that just want the title need not apply, there is no title)

You can have a 10 day real life conference, but that will never change the fact that people simply have different views on what should be banned. One group wants the sirlin approach that only bans unlocks who make all other aspects of the game irrelevant, while others follow the Torden approach and only want unlocks that improve the game for everyone. Neither group is inherently wrong and it’s perfectly possible to make a decision with both theories in mind.

If there really are 30 people who are willing to discuss unlock issues properly then (besides them not posting anywhere yet) they should spend their time on giving structured feedback on the tf2beta forum as that actually can accomplish something. Debating the general opinions that are already pretty clear is pointless, while having a discussion to pin-point the status of a (proposed) unlock is something where a consensus is possible as neither group is defending anything. However, actual feedback on the beta has been very rare, there have been maybe 10-20 people who have looked at the new Natasha’s properly and gave their thoughts about it. Now we are stuck with the version all career heavy’s mass voted on (surprisingly also the strongest version).

So to all people who seem so concerned about unlocks and balance. Maybe try to make the situation better instead of continuous complaining. Cheers



It’s really like I’m playing Battlefield Heroes!



Quoted from RaCio

If there really are 30 people who are willing to discuss unlock issues properly then (besides them not posting anywhere yet) they should spend their time on giving structured feedback on the tf2beta forum as that actually can accomplish something.

There’s not much that can be done about a bunch of items that have never even seen the beta forums though :(



just ban the unlocks which are op/ridiculous, which would be the current system of which applies, if people want vanilla+medlocks then that can be a gentleman decision between the teams

i’ve barely come across any teams (division 4+) that use retarded unlocks because they understand the negative trade off, and i seriously doubt that this update will change that


Quoted from Mark


what. You don’t have to choose between all or none. It’s not a binary decision.

Just ban the new unlocks. It’s not rocket science. If you can’t remember which unlock is which and you need a whitelist, then you probably should play competitive pong instead.

It’s not that you can’t remember which unlock is which, it’s basically that if you are playing within multiple leagues/cups, you find yourself confused by some of them allowing an unlock that is banned elsewhere. The fact that you need to visit some league page before an official to refresh your memory isn’t all that bad really, even if it is frustrating at times that you suck at remembering things. However, if we take into account the fact that most of the teams actually practise something before their league officials (and some of the things they practise might have something to do with a specific weapon), that could make it into a total mess eventually (provided more weapons will be added, which of course will happen).

Additionally, a game is only “alive” if it gets some more players now and then, and while the game we play is plenty exciting and fast-paced, dropping a “bomb of rule-sets” on each and everyone of the new players (that could potentially be the next Torden for example) when he expresses his interest in the game, might kill any desire to get into anything related with it let alone play it. Soon we will need a manual for this game that you need to read in order to qualify for playing, and a proper one (not the sentry one that we have now, something tf2-wiki like).


Getting different unlocks for different divisions ( like div3+ – ‘medvilla’, everything else – all allowed, except the new-ones that came out mid season).I think it was done in esl, but not to that extent. This partially solves the second problem, whilst not solving the first one. It would be awesome for the leagues to have some sort of an agreement on the unlocks, but I doubt that is happening any time soon.

Still guys, no need to rant about this every single time some more hats are added. Sure the fps decreases constantly, but then again – new stuff added, go and have some of your personal fun-yet-retarded moments on pubs with those, try out the new game mode – it is really fun :p

It’s really strange that people still aren’t used to the updates. It’s not like the game wasn’t updated for several years and suddenly the new update came out that ruined “your perfect game” somehow.

On a side note, can someone edit the title of the topic? It’s promising and misleading :D

Last edited by ups,


RaCio, I’m sorry you have missed the point

The group would not be discussing how to fix unlocks (initially), they would be discussing which of the current unlocks is fit for league play, finding a majority consensus proposing an agreed unlock and class limit rule set or sets, which allows competitive TF2 to continue in a united front.

Then after all weapons have been discussed and the impact they have, they can report back to valve through beta forums or email, with the reasons why certain weapons are not suitable for competitive play and suggestions that would make them more suitable


Last edited by Tikcus,



zzzz i see no problem with the system etf2l has in place at the moment, nobody can use the unlocks that haven’t been tested properly and its clearly stated in the rules, and it hasn’t caused any problems as such thus so far, why people are complaining is beyond me, because this system stops those unlocks from being used for the time being anyway…

just sucks to see that a new update can cause so much speculation and arguments, though to be expected anyway. people need to come to terms with the fact that ETF2L aren’t THAT ridiculous (FaN/Natascha bans?)

Last edited by howdeh,



Quoted from Tikcus

RaCio, I’m sorry you have missed the point

The group would not be discussing how to fix unlocks (initially), they would be discussing which of the current unlocks is fit for league play, finding a majority consensus proposing an agreed unlock and class limit rule set or sets, which allows competitive TF2 to continue in a united front.

I understood your post perfectly, yet I disagree. Funny how that works!

Like I said, whether an unlock is fit for comp play depends on their opinion on what should be banned (e.g. http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/what-should-be-banned.html ) and has been discussed over and over, it’s a different perspective that will hardly change.


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from tasKu

Congrats Valve for getting more money and not caring about the game! :D

Yeah the Valve employees should just make this game and die of starvation!!!

Last edited by skeej,

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