Ban uber
Created 17th December 2010 @ 11:03
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Easy as always
Quoted from octochris
you’re mad
i know it!
you can’t disguise your poorly thought out idea as trolling chris, sorry
Quoted from kimsku
ban chris. all his ideas are totally bullshit.
Quoted from Mike
you can’t disguise your poorly thought out idea as trolling chris, sorry
you can’t disguise your half-done bicycle as a unicycle, sorry
Actually find valis suggestion quite interesting and would be willing to try.
Quoted from octochris
you can’t disguise your half-done bicycle as a unicycle, sorry
i never did, :D
Quoted from octochris
I’m not trolling, TF2 would be much better if there was no uber.
Looking for a new mentor! xD
If you were going to remove the uber completely you’d need to increase the medics offensive weapons, so hes like a medic in battlefield bc2 etc. But then that would be rather crap still, but yeah Vali’s idea ftw.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Vali’s idea ftw.
This. Introduce it as an unlock and then just keep it banned =D
well i thought this was a troll xD but just incase your serious… making an uber short and faster to charge, or removing it altogether, would make the team who decide to push lose, and the team who are defending win
sounds fun :/
Last edited by caned,
Quoted from caned
yeah totally agree and while we’re at it ban that op demo and those annoying hats
you forgot about scouts, they’re so fast and dangerous…
ubers make the game crap and slow from a spectator POV, but are needed, and all the maps in tf2 are designed in a way that means totally removing the uber is not possible
although chris was trolling.
There a lots of options available,
1, a new medigun with faster charge shorter uber (vali suggestion),
2, a medigun that heals a little faster and over heals to 200% but no uber,
3, a medigun that charges at the same rate, but can be deployed at any time but lasts for a shorter duration e.g. at 100% charge lasts for only 75% of the time of original uber
Last edited by Tikcus,
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