
The Beta Inquiry #1: The Direct Hit

Created 10th December 2010 @ 13:24

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Can you keep ban discussion out of here, you are totally missing the point of this thread

The tdh negating jumping and one-shotting I’d love to see fixed even though I personally have no problem with the weapon being unbanned in a match I play.



Quoted from Tikcus

+25% damage done
+80% projectile speed
-90% explosion radius (got to be able to rocket jump)
-25% firing speed

The stats are possibly even worse than on the current direct hit, even less splash radius? Reducing the splash radius even further and then also lowering fire speed doesn’t do anything to make it more usefull, all that does it make it more useless.


I promise you i’m not missing the point

The point is to try and fix the direct hit, the weapon is designed to reward a DIRECT HIT (better aim)
The ways to do this –
Increase damage done by a direct hit – reduce damage done by a miss

If they simple did that it would be fine, apart from those complaining of being 1 shot (not a big problem you survive more from lack of splash damage)

However to balance it out for the masses of public players (and a lot of competitive players), making that direct hit HAS TO BE EASIER than using the standard rocket launcher or it will be to inferior in the hands of 99% of the community.

To make it easier you HAVE to increase the speed the projectile travels at.

ANY increase in projectile speed will be complained about.

but please try and remember the balance, yes a rocket that travels fast and does more damage is “annoying” but remember the other 95% of the game where the lack of splash makes it a lot worse.

Any suggestion or discussion in here should not try and shape the direct hit into another stock rocket launcher



Quoted from Vali

-Damage bonus decreased from 25% to 10%
-Splash damage radius reduction decreased from 70% to 50-60%
-Removed mini-crits on enemies airborne due to explosions.
-Reduced fall-off damage for direct hits on grounded targets.

Was my suggestion for a new DH.

I think this wins.
No more one shotting things,
Increased splash damage makes it more useful when rj’ing
Minicrits shouldnt be rewarded for something thats easy.
Reduced fall off for Direct hits keeps the weapon close to its original concept.

No splash and higher damage is balanced imo, but that doesnt make it not stupid..

Other players dont like getting one-shotted. Soldiers dont like a lack of splash. Theres nothing wrong with having the DH as a modified version of the RL rather than a complete remake. It will certainly make the community more willing to accept it as a weapon because its less of an extreme.



Except it would be just as annoying to play against as solly/demo due to the weapon firing super fast. Any jumps will be just denied with such rocket speed. I seriously doubt the community will accept such a weapon.

Assuming the stuff I said earlier about the weapons problems is correct you’d be looking at something more like this:
Has 40% faster rocket speed.
Guarantees Mini-Crit damage on juggled opponents.
Has 40% smaller splash damage radius.
Slightly faster fire rate or extra rocket loaded or w/e.

Just the normal launcher with lower splash and higher speed that people always wanted. Like all launchers it rewards direct hits and with the juggle mechanic it’s strong vs heavy classes. Should be cool for pocket sollies, who kinda deserve new toys.



Oh so you want it even more like the RL?

Well i have no problems with that, infact i would prefer that. Although i do feel like the soldier needs more incentive to want to direct hit people. After all, that was the initial concept idea.

How about:
+50% increased rocket speed
-50% splash radius
Mini crits on juggled
Reduced falloff on direct hits (ground and airborne). – incentive to direct hit and also counters the need for increased fire speed / extra rocket loaded.




Well, good soldiers will try to go for a direct hit even with the regular launcher as it does so much more damage :p

But yeah, reduced falloff on direct hits would be cool as well.



I know this ;)

The thing is, i feel the DH should reward them a bit more since you’re saying that there should be no damage increase. Reduced fall off would be a damage increase in effect. And it would rule out the need for fast firing.

You edit your posts a lot :P

Also, can i suggest you put the top 3 suggestions in the OP, and (you or someone else) pass it onto Valve to put into the beta for testing? People can talk and debate all day but the best way to test things is to actually play with them, and the sooner the better.



Nobody talked about my post so I won’t talk about your posts aswell.



Quoted from kurt

I had no time to read the other posts so I’ll just post my suggestion:

You can understand why some people may not be too inclined to do so.

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