TF2 Public Beta
Created 3rd December 2010 @ 00:55
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Anyone knows if there’s unlimited sign-ups? Becouse there wasent in the css beta.
but the ninja spot is still there ;)
Everyone can download the beta if u have a copy of TF2
Last edited by pykow,
CS:S beta was limited before the updates. After CS:S got revamped, the beta was made public.
Quoted from Sir Remix
Anyone knows if there’s unlimited sign-ups? Becouse there wasent in the css beta.
No, there is no limit on the amount of sign ups for the TF2 Beta.
The only prerequisite for the Beta is to have a copy of TF2 on your Steam Account (which is pretty much everyone on the forums! :P).
Quoted from Vazzan
That’s the only change
Kritz/Spam Incoming.
Last edited by hapha,
I can’t be arsed dowloading 9 Go for a beta.
Why not simply uploading new maps .bsp to a normal tf2 server and try them out that way?
Quoted from droso
9 Go
the only name i recognise on the comp steam forums is marks, who are these randoms making horribly bad observations that think they can comment on comp play?
Last edited by kuma,
Quoted from kuma
the only name i recognise on the comp steam forums is marks, who are these randoms making horribly bad observations that think they can comment on comp play?
Extremer and Moose are obvious, LIQUID` is B||oodsire. The rest is mostly low level Americans and 1 or 2 aussies.
Yeah, I think it’s better to have some structured form of feedback/discussion in there.
Mann’s Daily Debate #1: The Direct Hit
Basically you do not want the forum to get flooded with a thousand well meant ideas. The endless overpowered/imbalanced discussion should also be avoided as there isn’t even a common definition of the terms and it’s irrelevant of what tf2 beta can do, improving. First step would be to get a clear view on if a weapon has any problems and/or if any improvements can be made.
In this case of the Direct Hit you could say that the weapon is hardly used by people who play soldier a lot, this could be due to the fact that the standard play of soldier, prediction and aiming slightly behind the feet of the target, are not used with the direct hit due to the high speed of the rockets (finns seem to like to call this phenomena ‘lol-railgun’). And of course the one-shotting of low ho classes is a bit over the top. You could then have a discussion on if these problems are relevant, necessary and/or if they are even correct. After that you could look at what improvements can solve the problems. Reducing speed and improving the splash radius? Subsituting the damage increase for faster firerate, or maybe a larger magazine?
Anyway, Ill keep thinking about this, tf2beta seems like a great opputunity for tf2 as finally the focus seems on balance and gameplay instead of quantity and visual gadgets.
lets agree on renaming the bsps like this:
because they will be played on the “final” game too and you dont want to have a hundred versions of the same map.
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