
TFTrue 2.8

Created 30th December 2008 @ 10:15

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Agree with Dunc.

I (and everyone else, I hope) always wanted to remove all random elements from TF2 cause they simply doesn’t have any place in fps.

What’s bothering me the most is that I don’t know if the plugin is complete yet. I haven’t had time to test damage. I heard latest version made servers crash. Is it bug free? Is it gonna survive updates?

When we used TFTrue way back, none of these questions had a good answer. TF2 patches broke the plugin, it was full of bugs and from time to time finding a server where the plugin worked well was a hassle.

The whole procedure of getting it up and running on everyones servers will surely take a while too as I could imagine not everyone have access to them, etc.

Test it some more, wait for another version, then decide. But yes, I like it and I want it, just not yet. :)


Riemu, as you said and I said many times, the random spread is still here. It’s normal you don’t get the same values at a distance.

Weqo, the crash problem is just from the new feature we added (soldier self damage change), and on linux servers. I already answered the questions about if updates will break it or not:

“Game updates should not break it. The Static Damage of the last TFTrue version from January 18, 2008 was still working fine on Windows servers. If it didn’t break after 11 months, after that many updates, I don’t think it’ll broke with an other update. But the Linux one has been broken, and we have fixed it, now the chance other TF2 updates will break it is low I think (probably broken because something was not done correctly in the old version, but now it shouldn’t). Anyway if it would be broken, a fix should immediately be released.”



That’s not really an appropriate answer Anakin. You’re just giving us your word – or the word of the coder, who isn’t even speaking for himself on the forums.

If you really want the mod to take off, if you really want it to be used by leagues like ETF2L, it needs to be more transparent. Coders need to be able to access it. It’s already had problems, even if they do get fixed relatively quickly. A few people have noticed bizarre happenings with the mod – maybe they’re finding fault where there is none, but this could easily be resolved with a peer review system as mentioned by the German himself.


completely agreed, coder must be cooperative with league admins. otherwise we could never tell if tftrue is for true. TFTrue is a spy!! who knows this days…



CEVO admins have the balls, all you euros do is whine – Anakin and the coder have worked hard on this, giving their own time to the community to make TF2 into a competitive game.

Chance in anything is fail, the soldier self damage nerf increase is fail and although I never paid much attention before, the deathcam for competitive games is fail. If ETF2L admins allow randomness and imbalance in season-4 despite the fact we now have this plug-in (like the one which removed crits), then they are fail.



The Americans had “the balls” to invade Iraq, doesn’t make it the right decision.

That entire post is null and void courtesy of your incredibly hypocritical anti-EU bs.



agreeing with dunc: you dont launch a product without beta testing. Same applies for this plugin. With daily updates/additions/fixes, it wouldnt be wise to have it running in season 4.
p.s: i find it funny how a league defined by cevo-“professional” status is jumping on the “pro mod” bandwagon without any thought or implications for the game.
Typical America


(Toucan Ambassador)

I am warming to TFTrue.

I don’t think it’s smart to rush into a decision; transparency and guarentees of continued support are big issues to be honest.

On the other hand if we do adopt it for S4 then that would perhaps speed up the bug finding and refinement process :)



If there is a slight chance of ETF2L adopting this for S4, it might be prudent to delay the start of the season for a week or so. Get the final testing done, run some more one day cups, write a FAQ that answers all the questions, reach a consensus.



^^ What that man said.


ATM there are only 3 known bugs which should be fixed soon:
1) The soldier self damage CVar not working on Linux servers
2) Some linux servers crashing on Linux with TFTrue 2.2 (related to the 1st one)
3) Modifying the self damage CVar doesn’t change the “propulsion”, so you can’t crouch+shoot your feet at the round start to go out of the spawn faster

After fixing those 3 bugs, everything should be working correctly.

About the source code, I’ll talk with the ETF2L admins, but it’ll NOT be released publicly. I don’t want people to modify it to their advantages and recompile it for their servers.


element //

The problem with the current plugin is the dependancy on one (or two for that matter) persons word and dedication.

I have been saying this since page 3 of this thread. I don’t wanna imply that Anakin has created a buggy tool or even manipulated it in some kind. But I wanted to have Damage Spreadshots to check (or let check, cause I probably have no clue anyway) whether or not the changes made are correct or balanced for that matter.

Also, releasing the sourcecode to, what dunc brilliantly suggested, coders of the etf2l (or maybe a cooperation of etf2l, esl and enemydown???) who then review the plugin itself and the changes made.

That gives us (the community) a good reliability and stability for the future. What happens when the coder decides to just quit doing stuff in 1 month. Do we all have to revert back to the “old ways” then? What happens if, even if you have given us your word several times now, the plugin doesnt work properly anymore with the next patch and the coder is on holidays for 2 weeks or cant be arsed to develop fixes in time?

Removing random elements helps bringing the game further towards a more competitive experience. But how exactly do you know that by just cutting the Random Damage values in Half you wont create another unbalanced element, even though you tried to fix another one. What if we need a combination of random spread and random damage in order to work things out properly? Maybe it would also be a great opportunity to tackle some other elements of the game which could need perfection (i.e. maybe the Heavies movement speed).

One Coder surely can’t provide all the necessary information and features we might require. An open sourcecode, a larger variety of coders and a detailed explanation of what exactly has been changed and how the stuff now works exactly could persuade even me to vote in favour for a plugin.


I also agree with that. First they have to make some Beta tests before they bring it out, but if all works fine and the equality of opportunity is given, there should be no problem with TFTrue in ETF2L



How is the damage calculated?
If I remember corectly the base damage tf2 uses for calculation of the damage is less then (min damage+max damage)/2.
Is is set by tf2 or do you just fill in the correct numbers?


@Racio: Basically, the plugin is scanning for a location inside of the server.dll/, where the min/max damage is stored. It then applies (min+max)/2 based on it.

EDIT: About the base damage of the weapons, yes, for most of the weapons, it is lower than what TF2 gives. Like every shotgun would be 60 instead of 80-90. The 80-90 seems to be applied by the random damage code. The first version of TFTrue (which had tftrue_static_damage cvar), was using an other way of removing the random damage code, by disabling it or something, and it was causing problems with some of the weapons (doing less damage), that’s why we are now doing (min+max)/2.

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