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lol @ cadred journalism

Created 12th November 2010 @ 16:14

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17:36 – Gonzo: pushing for the final to be on the stage etc at i-series
17:37 – Don’t Shoot DouGiie kthnx: and it got there, and showed every other game up by a country mile
17:37 – Gonzo: Yet the moment someone says anything slightly against it, hysteria and pathetic childish displays
17:37 – Gonzo: no guys
17:37 – Gonzo: it didn’t

i40: The finals

CoD4 – Half the seats empty. The loudest person there? Darn.

CS:S – Three quarters of the seats empty. Not a word from the audience – maybe a ripple of applause for a round win.

TF2 – Packed. People having to stand to watch. One game-changing move (hell, even insignificant things like the beginning of a backcap), you’d hear an uproar of cheers.

Honestly? I’ve never seen TF2 as a “hardcore pro omg this game let’s win $$$ every day we play” game – and this is exactly why I play it. Who gives a shit if you win or lose when you’re gibbing a guy with a rocket launcher when he’s mid-air. The community and socialising at i40 made it even better tbh. TF2 players were too busy partying hard to care about the next one.

Last edited by Shintaz,



Quoted from Shintaz

Who gives a shit if you win or lose when you’re gibbing a guy with a rocket launcher when he’s mid-air.

hi fragga

edit: hi mike

Last edited by octochris,

Quoted from octochris


hi fragga

edit: hi mike

I’m not saying there aren’t people out there who have the “play2win omg get to prem” attitude.


(ETF2L Donator)

Can somebody say….blown out of proportion




RaWr ::

Quoted from Shintaz

17:36 – Gonzo: pushing for the final to be on the stage etc at i-series
17:37 – Don’t Shoot DouGiie kthnx: and it got there, and showed every other game up by a country mile
17:37 – Gonzo: Yet the moment someone says anything slightly against it, hysteria and pathetic childish displays
17:37 – Gonzo: no guys
17:37 – Gonzo: it didn’t

i40: The finals

CoD4 – Half the seats empty. The loudest person there? Darn.

CS:S – Three quarters of the seats empty. Not a word from the audience – maybe a ripple of applause for a round win.

TF2 – Packed. People having to stand to watch. One game-changing move (hell, even insignificant things like the beginning of a backcap), you’d hear an uproar of cheers.

Honestly? I’ve never seen TF2 as a “hardcore pro omg this game let’s win $$$ every day we play” game – and this is exactly why I play it. Who gives a shit if you win or lose when you’re gibbing a guy with a rocket launcher when he’s mid-air. The community and socialising at i40 made it even better tbh. TF2 players were too busy partying hard to care about the next one.

fs i agree



Quoted from infussle


lold. Classy.


Quoted from infussle




inv >




17:37 – Gonzo: but it’s not a premier e-sports title and never will be

How many years did it take for CS to be a “premier esport”?

With that attitude NO new games will make it.


rockit like

id love to see as many comments on all tf2 related articles in cadred. My comment was also deleted, so ill jump the hatewagon fucking thompson rip off.



From what i’ve heard from some of the CSS guys in cc, this is what this guy does on a regular basis.

He posts bait, he makes stupid comments in an effort to try and make others look stupid.

How is he still staff on cadred?

I’m glad that, for the most part, the TF2 community was intelligent in their posts but some people need to keep their aggressiveness down and focus more on making intelligent points and well thought out arguments, otherwise this guy wins and shows us up.

Last edited by Enef,


Never argue with an idiot.

They drag you down to their level and win on experience.

Tapley ❤


Just met Gonzo at lan hes a nice chap to talk too, he sticks to his opinion which is fair enough, we’ll aggree to dissagree. Heard Admirable has dropped from Cadred, big props to James for all his work on there and promoting TF2 though!

*EDIT* Above i was just trying to say that Admirable has left Cadred. According to Cadred Staff my post makes it seem like Admirable has been kicked from Cadred, this was not my intention- James “Admirable” O’Donnel has left on his own accord and has not been forceably removed.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



Quoted from Tapley ❤

Just met Gonzo at lan hes a nice chap to talk too, he sticks to his opinion

the journalistic boomeh

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