wait command
Created 20th December 2008 @ 18:58
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In the time I’ve played TF2 I have seen many scripts using the “wait;” command (including ETF2L config). But as far as I know the wait command does nothing in the Source engine without a parameter.
I tested (using the ETF2L config’s wait10):
I went demo with grenade launcher and executed the following:
alias wait10 “wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait”
+attack; wait10; -attack;
It had no effect.
Then I did the following:
+attack; wait 10; -attack;
It worked (ie. the grenade launcher shot one grenade).
I also tried:
+attack; wait 10; -attack; wait 1000; +attack; wait 10; -attack;
It also worked… It shot one grenade, waited about 7 seconds and then shot another grenade.
So is it just me, or doesn’t the wait command work without a parameter?
not quite sure, but i always interpreted “wait X” as “wait X frames till the next command”. Is that right or BS? ;)
Dunno, but what I’m trying to say is “wait;” doesn’t do anything at all (which means that the wait10 command in the ETF2L config doesn’t do anything at all) :)
wait should work without a parameter.
Anyway the waits in the etf2l config are useless.
wait10 is alias
“wait;wait;wait” is the command used for wait10 alias….
the number you give the command wait tells it how many frames to wait. so it depends on your framerate how long wait X will take. I think :P
Okay Anakin, then prove it. I tried making a wait10000 .. didn’t do shit.
PS: I think many of you are missing the point. I’m claiming that “wait;” doesn’t work.
wait works, and wait10 in the config only works because there’s an alias called wait10 defined at the beginning of the cfg.
Well the question is if wait works, is it defaulted to 1 frame?
If it is, then f2’s test should work, but as he says, it doesnt.
If f2 is right, then this would explain the failures of my early scripting days -.-
Well, try this.
alias health “impulse 101; health”
That’ll make an alias that refills health and ammo, the re-executes itself constantly. That SHOULD crash TF2, I haven’t tested it, but if I ever make things like that, it always seems to crash TF2.
alias health “impulse 101; wait; health”
DOES work. So obviously wait does something.
Inexistence: You’re right. Your example is correct. Although, “wait;” definitely doesn’t equal “wait 1” .. but according to your example it must do something.
I don’t know if the same applies in tf2, but in another source game I used to play you couldn’t do “sv_Cheats 1; noclip; sv_cheats 0”, but “sv_cheats 1; wait; noclip; wait; sv_cheats 0” worked.
maybe its a break in the line of commands only, rather than an amount of time for a break in the line of commands.
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