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Recent Patch Bugs (157 nade) Fragga

Created 17th December 2008 @ 09:57

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Don Pedro

“the game needs random damage”




cos otherwise its boring and everything can be calculated.
edit. if byte knows he can kill you with two grenades and he has two grenades he will take you on. if byte is likely to kill you with two grenades and he has two ready he might take you on, or he might wait for his team. the latter is more interesting.



im assuming that the damage from a sticky for example still depends on the distance between the sticky and the opponent ?

and what about hitboxes, does a rocket do the same amount of dmg on every part of the body

Don Pedro

is it also more interesting in a one on one duel and the outcome is determined by luck rather than skill?
I also fear that byte would take me on with nothing but a smile and his bottle…



no its not, but its not the nature of the game. 6v6 play where 1v1s are rare, and are rarely decided by the random numbers from soldiers and scouts. demomen 1v1s would be more interesting if the random ranges were lowered, but not to 0.


@skinnie : Yes, the damage from a sticky depends of the distance between a sticky and his opponent.

And even with static damage, the sticky+grenade damage won’t be TOTALLY static, but there’ll be a range of like 10 damage. This is because those weapons work with “splash” damage, so it depends on where you hit the ennemy.

When static damage is set, IIRC the rocket will do 90 all the time. And I think the damage based on the distance between where the rocket was fired and where it exploded is also removed.


y that way just like u said is very acceptable. leting some random damage but with a low interval.

tbh this last update made competitive scene as much annoying as a long pub game. its like we dont even need crits to rage about. cant w8 for update or fix.

Don Pedro

‘fraid you can’t have it both ways Renegade.

“if byte is likely to kill you with two grenades and he has two ready he might take you on, or he might wait for his team.”

this is a 1v1 no?

and then “6v6 play where 1v1s are rare”

also the chances of byte only having 2 grenades and no stickies are rare.

his ears must be burning by now, lets make it less personal.

I am gagging for the random hits and random spread to be removed from TF2. Especially as valve seem intent on buggering things up every few months or so. There are plenty of “random” moments in tf2 anyway, like running round a corner as scout straight into a solly medic combo. Randomness/luck should be something that you can influence yourself, make your own luck and not be determined by sheer fluke/ridiculous algorithm. this latest “fix” from valve has not only practically added crits to competetive play again but made the game less smooth and prone to “lag spikes”. I would love a TF2 mod to remove or massively reduce randomness. did i say that already?



i was simply pointing a rather general example. i could complexify it by adding teammates, but that complexifies it ^^

also that guy was talking about a 1v1 duel where neither player has an advantage/disadvatnage or a team to come in. my example was not.

if we remove the randomness, then players go into the map knowing the situations before hand, and less expectation is put on them to react to situations, because they have already been through it hundreds of times. the randomness puts that uncertainty into that is necessary so that matches cant be worked out before they are started.


The plugin is now making each weapon do the mid value of the random damage.

We found that the stickies have damage drop off, depending of how far you are from the sticky when you detonate it.

Being stuck to the enemy, my sticky did 162 damage. Being at a longer distance, it did 113 damage.

So it’s probably the same for grenades, and that how you can explain the 157 damage grenade. He was really close to enemy.



I think what we all want (except demomen of course) is random damage reduced but not entirely removed and the nades and stickies upper level being under 125 hp (so 124hp would be fine as an upper level)



imo just random dmg like before the patch

and ye random spread .. nothin u can do about that i guess


Yeah, simply reversing the last patch would be fine by me.



Read this.



And what i`ve already told before

This is just some kind of demofobia, nothing else.



There IS a bug in the game that is causing at least scouts to do massive damage with their scatterguns. That is a fact. I assumed it was the same to demo pipes as well from that video.

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