Error item in my inventory!
Created 5th October 2010 @ 14:09
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Yesturday I got error item “Rimmed Raincatcher” crafting hat + hat. So, what can I do with it ? and what can it be ? :D
My backpack –
Last edited by Forsak3n,
Creator of the Rimmed Raincatcher here. Few things I’d like to clear up.
1. My hat (originally called the Drinking Hat) isn’t a ripoff off the Tricorne. Both hats were made independently after the Contribution site went up, and I’m assuming there were many more pirate hats for the demo because it was a hat idea that was obviously missing from the demo’s line of hats at the time.
2. The hat that the Tricorne turned into during the Mannconomy update is indeed (an older version of) my Drinking hat. I’ve had email contact with GreenMarine from Valve, who told me this was a mistake, which he also posted [URL=”″%5Dhere%5B/URL%5D.
3. This will be reverted in the soonest patch, and the updated version of my Drinking Hat will become the Rimmed Raincatcher.
Last edited by Buffalo Bill,
Imo its stupid having 2 hats that look almost the same. And even more, coloring the tricone makes it look extremely much as the raincatcher.
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