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How about paroling Gryzor?

Created 18th September 2010 @ 20:51

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First of all I would like to say that I respect ETF2L and the rules you have and I don’t want to give you any grief or start some kind of e-rage.

In real life people who have done wrong get sentenced to jail and when they have served half their time (in some country’s) they are free to continue with their lives and go on. If they do any “funny stuff” during their parole they have to get back in jail, serving the time they had left.

A couple of days ago was the half year mark on his ban on ETF2L.

So why not give Gryzor parole and if he does any funny stuff slap him with another 6 months extending his punishment to 1.5 years.

You should be able to asses how much damage his article did to you and if his punishment could already be considered done. From my point of view I find it a bit harsh to give him the same punishment as those bastards that cheat in game and I thought his point in the article had merits but I’m biased since I write on the same site as he published the article on and has played in the same team as him.

I also would like to point out that he has done good in the community when he was active and if you let him in again good stuff might come from him in the future as well as some fun logs on irc ;)

Best regards!

Stefan Lundmark /[FADER] Thoa


Quoted from Thoa

In real life people who have done wrong get sentenced to jail and when they have served half their time (in some country’s) they are free to continue with their lives and go on.

And by that logic you’d also parole all cheaters, except the ban lengths are now 1 year instead of 2 as with gryzor

Quoted from Thoa

if you let him in again good stuff might come from him in the future as well as some fun logs on irc ;)



but gryzor did not cheat, so I don’t see how this in anyway relates to bans givin to cheaters



edit: that post was the biggest grammatical mess I’ve ever written.

tl;dr: ETF2L isn’t all there is to TF2, he’s welcome to play pixel pickup, I don’t think paroling him is totally unreasonable.

Last edited by Skyride,

Gryzor is probably the most immature person I’ve ever come across playing TF2. Calls everyone who whoops his ass a cheater and whines.

First time I saw him he said he’d get me banned from ETF2L, and look at him now. LOLs :-)

Last edited by d1ck j0nes,








Hey let’s unban Boomeh because he’s a really nice guy and can you imagine all the fun on IRC?


\V/ Gold

is this a serious post or is there some magic drug involved?

edit: if yes, i want some.

Last edited by nTraum,



Quoted from octochris





Gryzor will come bacck and put people in their places yo’


Quoted from Ched

Hey let’s unban Boomeh because he’s a really nice guy and can you imagine all the fun on IRC?

Quoted from Tikcus

but gryzor did not cheat, so I don’t see how this in anyway relates to bans givin to cheaters



Quoted from Pendji


A ban is a ban.

Memento Mori

I thought his posts were some funny shit…


Quoted from Ched


A ban is a ban.

Theres a difference on personal opinions and something against the rules (cheating)

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