New Pickup Channel
Created 6th July 2010 @ 14:46
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Quoted from Spike Himself
My programmer-sense is tingling!
Can’t help but to share some random thoughts:
!register — register with the irc bot so it knows you and can store info on you etc
!init [skill level[s]] — initiates a new pickup game aimed at the specified skill level, example: !init div5 div4 – would initiate a game where div4 and div5 people can join
people’s skill levels are determined by post-match votes (??), or by admins. new players = div6 unless admins decide otherwise!cancel — the opposite of !init
!find [skill level[s]] — list available pickups for the specified skill level(s)
!info [pickup number] — lists available classes etc etc for a pickup
!add [pickup number] [class] — add yourself to a pickup (pickup number identifies the specific pickup you want to add yourself to) the bot will compare your skill level to what the pickup is set to and will allow or deny your participation
!remove — obvious, right?
Might give it more thought if anyone dares to care.
You have a good programmer-sense and i would agree with some but some would be bad as well
Go on… :)
Quoted from fJack
ctrl+c the old pickup2/invite. never had any issues with that system. med slots + 10 and some of the neat newer features such as med map votes counting for more and making players medic after x pickups without doing so.
nice idea skyride, I was really disappointed coming back to find the pickup chans dead.
I’d like to see something like this going on.
The problem with pickups can be summed up as “I want to play with people better than me but I don’t want to play with people worse than me”. Repeat that all the way to the top skill level, where people don’t want to play TF2 at all.
Let me see if i get it right. Do you want to make a new pickup 1/2 channel which is for everyone? With some changes such as !demo !solly and so on?
or am i misunderstanding it? :)
Last edited by Sofa King,
Quoted from Edd
basically one with comms and without random pub shitters
Fine thanks :)
Quoted from Monkeh
Does it have to be irc?
Requiring that people know how to use IRC is a primitive method of filtering out complete newbies. (I know you could get IRC vets who’ve never gamed before, etc., hence the ‘primitive’.)
Quoted from purplefistmixer
Requiring that people know how to use IRC is a primitive method of filtering out complete newbies. (I know you could get IRC vets who’ve never gamed before, etc., hence the ‘primitive’.)
This, essentially.
Also more to the point I personally feel IRC is actually better for this sort of thing anyway. With IRC, you can speak to people and get a social atmosphere to a channel which you will just never get in any web-based system.
At this juncture I shall point out that I’ve been playing TF2 since release and comp, seriously, for about 18months-ish, and I have never used irc.
That does sort of sum up the grand total of my online gaming life so irc is completely new to me. Don’t suppose it can be that difficult to work out though!
In B4:
Oh…wait. I’m the noob you’re trying to discourage…..I see.
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