Created 5th July 2010 @ 20:54
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steamforums link pls
Quoted from Buffalo Bill
He knew all the drop times and had a script to craft/uncraft metal which he used to craft the exact time the wrench dropped.
guess valve threw a wrench in his plans
Quoted from AnimaL
steamforums link pls
fuck him tbh
revealing it was never random make me sad
Quoted from AnimaL
revealing it was never random make me sad
It was random
If I use a dice and write down the numbers you would will still have a list with random numbers. Valve created a list with randomized drop intervals and put it into the item drop system. For all that concerns you it is as random as you can get.
Suck a fuck.
Engi Update: Day Three
Quoted from Admirable
Suck a fuck.
Engi Update: Day Three
You missed the teasing of a new wrench at the bottom of the page, but yes fairly underwhelming all the same ;p
Quoted from Admirable
Suck a fuck.
Engi Update: Day Three
To be precise, drunken f00l didn’t dig up the drop times himself from code patterns or anything, instead there was a leak from Valve and he got hold of a list with all the (randomly) predefined drop times. The VAC ban was because he made a 3rd party app to craft stuff at the very second one of the wrenches dropped.
Moving sentry’s
Here’s the chatlog with DF and some randoms.
Pretty much explains everything.
+ 2-3 of his friends also got a vac-ban.
Btw, It was mentioned in one of the blogposts that the update would be out thursday (early in the morning tomorrow for euros) but at the same time only after all 100 wrenches are found. You could tell from the very start that its not gonna be random.
Last edited by n00ne,
oh oh oh
this the beta wrench maybe? the 150% building speed one <3 <3<3 if it is
^same. From the looks of it, its an offensive wrench, so most likely the Pretty Damn Quick wrench :D atleast i hope so.
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