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Created 15th June 2010 @ 16:25

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pu2 is overrated
shitters like me can play demoman.


i would really like old pu2 back

tf2lobby is shit

Last edited by cf,

tbh one of the reasons that killed the pug1 is the Jews finally have their on pugs and now they don’t need to sign up for pug1

Last edited by Nivzeh,


Quoted from cf

i would really like old pu2 back

tf2lobby is shit



Quoted from droso

I can’t really tell about euro pugs as i’ve only played one or two but french pick-ups are a hundred times better than lobbys.
You are compelled to comm (unless you want a 3 days ban), you use mumble, everyone got a general rating so that the bot can make fair teams (well, it tries anyway), admins are often available to handle problems in-game and more importantly, skill is much more present than in lobby (new to competitive players are welcome ofc but they will be given a hard time and help so they can improve fast).

If you could achieve something like that for euro pugs, it would be awesome.

PS: can’t wait to be elligible for pu2 btw. :)

It seems the same for russian pickup nowadays…


Quoted from Nivzeh

tbh one of the reasons that killed the pug1 is the Jews finally have their on pugs and now they don’t need to sign up for pug1

hah, never thought an eSrael team member would say such a thing.

Well I think lobby was meant to introduce the basics of competitive play to the pub players. And it does it’s job fine there, but usually fails to entertain people who have a bit more of experience.

If lobby seems retarded to you, just gather a mix. If you’re missing some players, I suggest you and your friends just join a lobby together. Or just ask for a merc on #tf.wars @ quakenet.



guys are you missing the last 2 pages?



Quoted from cf

i would really like old pu2 back

tf2lobby is shit



I’d rather play tf2lobby so I don’t have to talk to kids with special needs. Although I did get raged at on tf2lobby by some shitter called tehocelot cos I “didn’t know how to play scout.”



Quoted from rtan

Although I did get raged at on tf2lobby by some shitter called tehocelot cos I “didn’t know how to play scout.”

Ignore him

– Baaad ocelot


Quoted from Atty

Add me on Steam, I’m the new ZeyOrk the Mix Kingpin.

I hope u were kidding. I am still the king mafakka!


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from ZeyOrk


I hope u were kidding. I am still the king mafakka!

Back from the dead I see :) What happened to the mega manic midnight mixes?

Last edited by ell,



Quoted from atrox_

what’s required to be eligible for pu2?

I asked F2 once, when i won div4 with my clan, and he said me i have to play at least 30 days in a clan that reached at least the 7th position in div3…
More complicated rule!?!?!? Can’t it just be div3+comms and stop!?!?!?

I understand those “high skill” players were getting bored of too many div4 (and also div5) players coming to pug2, but with this new system the problem is not solved, it has just moved to other players… the “mid skill” ones!!!

Actually “high skill” guys can play good games with their “high skill” friends… but those “mid skill” players like me can’t, and pug1/lobby games are still too shit for us… so now, i’m not playing pug2 neither pug1/lobby anymore… and like me many other mid skill players are doing the same.

If u consider that we are more then the “high skill” ones, and pickup1 has become totally unplayed, mpuktf2 pickup channels lost the big majority of their community just to satisfy a minimal part of it

Now, I want to remember to F2 that day he talked me about the “pickup1.5 project”… why not make the useless #mpuktf2.pickup an invite channel like the old pug2, so we tourmeted souls of the “mid skill” powercircle can be back to have some fun too???

( I kiss my clan mates for being much active during last season, team BoX for the midair server and all the other guys who released tf2dm and bball public servers… i could be a dead player now if wasn’t for u guys XD )

Dag, the new div3 shitnerd of blame

Last edited by Daggial,


is good!

lobby is actually pretty nice for warming up. pickups in p1 were MUCH worse, than the majority of the lobbies I played. At least in lobby I dont have to listen to some east-european 13y olds.

and srsly, who needs comms on granlands anyways? by now, everybody should just know what to do.


Quoted from ell

Back from the dead I see :) What happened to the mega manic midnight mixes?

I am training Atty to take my place, which is unlikely that he will :) Just ask demsi he sucks everyones dick in this community as I do(except joske and berserker, cause they’re cunts)

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