
Another bball tournament.

Created 11th October 2008 @ 22:05

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abit of a difference basically myou cant shoot at start on fixed and the hoops are smaller requires more skill :)


so I suppose we should take the fixed one? (read somewhere else that this one got also the timer fixed for mp_timelimit)


funny thing how ppl doesnt want demoman cause of the big jumps, but at same time they want pro_bball which is easy to do a a double jump with sold base to base (its possible in bball2 but much harder)

about the fixed bball, the only difference is the clock working, but id say 95% of the ppl play the standard ctf_bball2 and have it on server, no point in adding a fixed the fixed version just for the time, as the game usually ends by capture limit and not by timelimit


The fun cup will start after both 1on1 cup have ended imho


Both the fixed version en pro_ prevent you from shooting before the games has started (so no damage while you can’t move) which for me would be the most important reason for picking them.
I don’t really care about the double jump in pro_ I fail at it anyway.


that excuse about not beeing allowed to shoot in when u cant move in the start doesnt even make sense because:

1) it only happens once: when the game beggins, then its all game play

2) the rules from previous cup with ctf_bball2 doesnt allow u to shoot opponent in the start :D

i think the previous cup was just fine with different combinations of class and standard map, new pro_bball is eye candy but more newb friendly



Mb i’m wrong, but seems that server can have fixed bball map and clients can have ‘old’ map (if only timer was patched). That can easily be tested ^^’

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