
To Valve...

Created 11th January 2010 @ 14:41

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What do you think if:
TDH will not do minicrits when airshot, but when soldier will do an airshot with TDH and in that time medic was healing him – medic will be awarded +25hp or +50hp?

Because when Medic see that solly is doing that, he becomes proud of solly and felt more healthy :P


Got Milk?

^airshot is credit to team :D


an increase of viewmodel by 20 won’t really hurt the game even I agree it’s not really as important as a Buff for the GIANT MAN who recently acts more like a tiny little coward in competitive tf2..



What do you think if:
TDH will not do minicrits when airshot, but when soldier will do an airshot with TDH and in that time medic was healing him – medic will be awarded +25hp or +50hp?

Because when Medic see that solly is doing that, he becomes proud of solly and felt more healthy :P

Made my day, thanks! :)



well seeing as they’ve tried to cater to the competitive community ask them why a rolling nade should do more damage than a direct rocket at range, and why 2 years on the demoman still has 8 winbombs. Also ask why the GRU aren’t out, which could literally by themselves bring back the heavy as a viable class on most maps.


It still kills scouts in a single shot, even without them being in the air.

My personal opinion about DTH is that it shouldn’t one-shot 4 classes out of 9, at least leave them with 10 hp or something.

3 of those are barely used.
2 of them shouldn’t be in a solly’s range in the first place, at least not in his 1-hitting range.



remove minicrits and lower the body hit damage so it wont one-shot classes with 125hp but make the splash only 35% smaller istead of 70%


(Toucan Ambassador)

Whatever Valve decide to do I would hope they don’t change the speed and splash much, as they are currently what makes it different from the RL.

For starters I’d try removing mini-crits.
Even without the buggy airshot recognition it seems like overkill as the weapon already does more damage and requires less prediciton than the RL.
Also I imagine there is a fair amount of complexity involved in making “acceptable” conditions for what is recognised as an airshot, so it might just be best to cut your loses there.

Max damage should be lowered to ~124, mainly because 1 hit kills shouldn’t be available to classes with the versatility of soldier/scout/demo.
For me that is the realm of snipers and spies who are particularly weak in certain situations as a counterpoint to their 1 hit abilities.
We should not forget the outcry from the brief period when demo nades were instagibbing scouts.
By the same argument I would also propose a damage cap on the Equalizer.

So what is the point of the TDH if you remove the instagib damage and mini-crits? You can’t damage groups of enemies effectively! You will have a tough time against (buffed) scouts!
So how can we remove the “annoying” elements from the TDH whilst still giving it some purpose?
Tough question to be honest…

I would try decreasing the damage falloff range, perhaps something like 124 maximum to 75 minimum for direct hits.
The TDH would still have a buff over the RL by dealing more targeted damage at every range giving it an edge in 1v1 versus heavy classes, whilst being less effective at crowd control and dealing with (good) scouts.



direct hit: remove mini-crits completely
still has the more damage (and the one-shot ability against 125 hp classes) and faster travelling, enough
buff banner: maybe reduce the lenght to 8 or 10 sec
equalizer: reduce the max damage please, you get faster and this alone is awesome
look at all other melee weapons: all* make 65 hp max why get only the soldier an op weapon which can one-hit kill 50% of the players in game
look at the stats
when the soldier is 150 hp or less, the shovel is already worse than equalizer
this is not anymore a sidegrade its a clear replacement
the max damage shouldnt be over 120 and maybe do this:

get faster with low hp but do less damage
so the max damage when 200 hp or buffed
and the less damage when low
(this would be a real nice change)

cant see a real problem with the demoman unlocks

*okay pyro can do crits but only if the targets burns
and demo can (mini-)crit but only if he changes his sticky launcher



The direct hit should only mini-crit on enemies who:
– Are due to take fall damage from their jump.
– Have rocket/sticky jumped.
– Have been launched into the air by enemy weapons.

This should fix the problem of mini-crit registration.



I’m on the same tracks as Admirable, but I’d keep the minicrits with certain tweaks. They should deal less than 149 damage and they shouldn’t minicrit when jumping. The minicrits should be triggered only when the target is either juggled/rjing/stickyjumping. Another option would be to require a target moving at a certain velocity or having his jump reach a certain height at some point. Obviously the measurement for the height of the jump should be done from the platform the target jumped off to remove minicrits from, for example, falling of the spire. This would remove the stupid and annoying instakill on jumping people completely and reward for the more “skillful” airshots while still keeping the weapon useful.


well seeing as they’ve tried to cater to the competitive community ask them why a rolling nade should do more damage than a direct rocket at range, and why 2 years on the demoman still has 8 winbombs. Also ask why the GRU aren’t out, which could literally by themselves bring back the heavy as a viable class on most maps.

And what if the demoman misses his pipe by an inch and the nade rolls on to the back and suddenly does no damage at all ? And what if the the rocket from range misses the target by an inch and lands on the ground and the target receives splash damage ?

Just pointing out a different point of view…


Someone already suggested this in other thread:
Fix mini-crits so the only occure when the enemy is being propeled by an explosive (burning feet) and give them to normal RL, not TDH and slighly increase the splash of TDH.



Whatever Valve decide to do I would hope they don’t change the speed and splash much, as they are currently what makes it different from the RL.

For starters I’d try removing mini-crits.
Even without the buggy airshot recognition it seems like overkill as the weapon already does more damage and requires less prediciton than the RL.
Also I imagine there is a fair amount of complexity involved in making “acceptable” conditions for what is recognised as an airshot, so it might just be best to cut your loses there.

Max damage should be lowered to ~124, mainly because 1 hit kills shouldn’t be available to classes with the versatility of soldier/scout/demo.
For me that is the realm of snipers and spies who are particularly weak in certain situations as a counterpoint to their 1 hit abilities.
We should not forget the outcry from the brief period when demo nades were instagibbing scouts.
By the same argument I would also propose a damage cap on the Equalizer.

So what is the point of the TDH if you remove the instagib damage and mini-crits? You can’t damage groups of enemies effectively! You will have a tough time against (buffed) scouts!
So how can we remove the “annoying” elements from the TDH whilst still giving it some purpose?
Tough question to be honest…

I would try decreasing the damage falloff range, perhaps something like 124 maximum to 75 minimum for direct hits.
The TDH would still have a buff over the RL by dealing more targeted damage at every range giving it an edge in 1v1 versus heavy classes, whilst being less effective at crowd control and dealing with (good) scouts.

Admirable is correct.

However, I would like to add a possible tweak to the minicrit for a clearer definition of what an airshot is. This definition will contain 2 conditions, where either condition can be met for it to be recognized as an airshot.

Condition 1. A player who is airborne due to any form of enemy or friendly damage (stickies, scattergun, rockets, etc.).

Condition 2. If a player loses contact with the ground, the player has to go higher or lower than one height of a hitbox from his last point of contact with the ground. This means a players falling briefly from an edge, jumping, dropping from train to ground on badlands mid, etc. will not count as an airshot. However, players falling from, for example, spire will count as an airshot half-way down.



Well said Berserker, that would sort it.

Also, hurry up with gloves of running urgently they aren’t exactly hard to make and will change gameplay so much (for the better).

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