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Only 1 FAN allowed

Created 8th August 2009 @ 22:02

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We all know that the FAN is not going to be banned in the etf2l so please add a rule that only 1 FAN is allowed in a team. Do u agree or disagree?!

Edit: I know that most of the teams are just playing with 1 FAN but if they play with 2 FAN´s its kinda “double annoying”













There is no point in making a rule. VALVe is already fixing the FaN with the help of competitive gamers.

i dont agree.

if the scout manage it to get close the weapon is mostly very dangerous that should everybody know.

but if both scout use the FAN the respons is more negativ to the own team then to the other. If both soldiers of one team can did not manage to kill 2 scouts who uses the FAN maybe they shopuld first think about another gameplay then try to reduce the weaponlimit








There is no point in making a rule. VALVe is already fixing the FaN with the help of competitive gamers.

This may be true, but by that logic we should unban the Sandman, since they’re in the process of making that useable for competitive gamers. The fact is, as it stands now, a large majority of gamers don’t like the FaN, so for now, the rule should be made. After all, who knows when these changes they’re working on are actually going to be released?

i dont agree.

if the scout manage it to get close the weapon is mostly very dangerous that should everybody know.

but if both scout use the FAN the respons is more negativ to the own team then to the other. If both soldiers of one team can did not manage to kill 2 scouts who uses the FAN maybe they shopuld first think about another gameplay then try to reduce the weaponlimit

As for this, the FaN requires a different gamestyle to the regular scattergun; but the blunt fact still stands that it can do around 200 damage in a second, or less, if used correctly, and knocks you around with ease. That’s enough to knock most classes on their arse. And if you’re being similarly harrassed from 2 directions, even with the longer reload time, it’s still a lot to deal with.






Wait for the end of TF2 Beta?


CaptainBadger, the season didn’t start yet, so those changes don’t need to be made. The FaN/Sandman update will probably be released by the time the season start.


Well yeah, I know, I should’ve added something about that too I guess.

I meant more that if they -haven’t- released it before Season 6 starts, impliment this. If they have, then it probably won’t matter.



You say it would be ”double annoying”, but at the same time, a certain player could be ”annoying” or a tactic used by a team could be ”annoying”, so I dont think it’s enough to ban something for being annoying.

I wonder how many teams even use 2 FAN’s??

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