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Glitched Teleporter Spot in Upward

Created 18th December 2013 @ 13:50

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Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from Kaneco

Your team has to be retarded to allow the enemy team to hold that area with enough security to build a tele without even having capped 3rd

That’s the point, smart teams will just delay the third point cap till the tele is there.
Leaving the cart at the spiral, rather than having it at the choke already is a good trade off for a super-easy last push

Jesse James

You forgot one thing guys. You talk about countring this spot, you talk about sapping the teleporter entrance. You talk like you already know the enemy engineer build a teleporter there.

This spot is powerful because it has this suprise effect. Engineer builds a sentry and suddenly a demoman or a heavy next to him out of nowhere ?

If you know there is a teleporter, it is easy to counter. The problem is, you usually don’t know ;-)



It’s your own fault for not knowing that there is a tele in dropdown. Teleporters are pretty loud too so there’s no excuse. You learn from mistakes, that’s how you become better.



Quoted from ondkaja

It’s your own fault for not knowing that there is a tele in dropdown. Teleporters are pretty loud too so there’s no excuse. You learn from mistakes, that’s how you become better.

If you’re busy getting rolled then you kind of have that excuse if you can’t destroy a teleporter in time.



It’s banned in UGC


Quoted from Limp.

It’s banned in UGC


Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from ondkaja

It’s your own fault for not knowing that there is a tele in dropdown

All you were trying to tell us all this time is that the tele isn’t as bad and it can be countered. But what’s the benefit of having it allowed in the first place? We can allow spawnkilling in Upward for the exact same reason, if everyone’s aware of it, people will just not run around in the left spawn exit during setup time, and never die to it, but it’s banned, and it’s banned for a reason, it gives nothing positive to the game, same for the glitched tele.
And i won’t be surprised if Kill Switch are using that tele at their advantage, you’re defending this glitched spot so hardly, like i hardly even believe that a team that doesn’t use gay things like these would not want those gay things to be removed, if you don’t use it yourself, why would you want your enemies to have a possibility of doing so? Excuse me if i’m wrong here, but that’s just how it looks from a side view.
And now if you are going to defend the tele as a “legit tactic that should be used” (a thing that most people don’t agree on), that would be a completely different point, at least we would have something to argue on.
Quoted from Kaneco


UGC receives more feedback and admins are more concerned about problems like these, i can give a ton of examples.


I have literally never seen that used in a match and if I saw I would be happily waiting for them on the other side with stickies, that is the easiest spammable entry ever, I dont even know why you would want to get it banned in the first place, I could deny it easily



think of it like this

if this was an intended feature of the map, would you have an issue with it?
you’d quickly dismiss it as a silly, almost always REALLY bad feature of the map

I’m not saying that it should not be banned necessarily, after all, if the rules are well-defined it probably should be banned, not because it’s good but because it falls under the definition of an exploit

I’m just saying that whining about it is so silly because it is such a bad idea to teleport your team into the most campable place possible. Not only does it force you into an easily campable place, but it also forces your team to go 1 by 1, so there’s next to no chance that you’ll be able to get any good exchange.

In matches that weren’t won before they’d even started (complete rolls of games) – any time I’ve done this teleport (see: that upward video), it’s ended REALLY fucking badly. The only reason I did it here was because it was a fun showmatch lol

I guess saying that you expected it to be banned would be a viable excuse as to why you’d complain, but other than that, there really is no reason



To speak out on the issue, reason it was never banned before and I was the the one who was personally responsible was because we never saw it as a “glitch”, more a map feature as it was at a time where Upward had several glitch fixes and it wasn’t included as one (though the spawn gap wasn’t either), plus most people were aware of it anyway. I see it more as a cheesey move, though it is annoying and potentially damaging, as Bubble said, it doesn’t generally lead to much, the few times I have used it and seen it used it doesn’t work.

With that said, time has gone by and slowly we’re redefining what a glitch is and what should be banned, certainly a teleporter exit hidden that can only be accessed by a spy taking it or by the attackers choosing to open the door is akin to hiding a tele in spawn, it can’t be destroyed from one side. Before I figured spies taking the tele was enough, it could be killed, but now I don’t think so, I think as an exit it should be able to be destroyed without the need for an opponent to open the entrance to it.

I think it should be banned, as time goes by newer teams will not know of it and spies will find it near impossible to distrupt (smarter Engies…etc), it could in theory create another flank meaning another place you need to deal with people. But at the time when the original decision was sought over, I didn’t see it as a big deal – And it isn’t really, but it is big enough to be considered a glitch as we tighten our ruleset.

it's Mint



I just talked with bobbler about this, at first i thought the exit was bad and stupid, but after thinking about it for a while I can actually see this being used very efficiently. In case this doesn’t get banned I’m gonna experiment with it.

Biggest issue is that the teleporter itself loses its main function. It would have been really awesome if both doors opened from the inside, so that it could have been used both as a flanking route and as a regular teleport. OH WELL!

My opinion would be to ban this spot. I don’t want to know what the future with this can bring, and I definitely don’t want to lose a game because of it.

While you’re at it, please allow me to use the gunslinger crit exploit, THANKS!

Jesse James

Quoted from Kaneco

I have literally never seen that used in a match and if I saw I would be happily waiting for them on the other side with stickies, that is the easiest spammable entry ever, I dont even know why you would want to get it banned in the first place, I could deny it easily

Dude, it is like discussing with my room door. You don’t even read.

Again : This spot is only powerful when you don’t know that there is a teleporter. You Build as engineer a Sentry peacefully on top or you build über as Medic in peace because there is no enemy. And then SUDDENLY COMBO DIRECTLY NEXT TO YOUR SPAWN.

If you know, it is easy to counter. But you usually don’t know. And please stop arguing with shit like “own fault if you don’t know it”

Quoted from lawn

think of it like this

if this was an intended feature of the map, would you have an issue with it?
you’d quickly dismiss it as a silly, almost always REALLY bad feature of the map

Well the thing is, like I said, if you know it, it is easy to counter. I would change my strats, f.e demoman shall watch top area. Demo checks the main entrance the whole time and engineer looks at the door. When the door opens engineer calls or stuff.

But the thing is, it is not an intended feature, so many teams are not prepared for this.

We can argue for sure, well then don’t play when you will bitch around about things you were not prepared.

Maybe you are right. We were not aware of this spot being legit.We lost an upward game because of this glitched spot and we didn’t knew how to defend ourselves. It leaded to constant confusion until the round ended.

There are many I would like to count, but this should sum everything up.

Last edited by Jesse James,



Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

All you were trying to tell us all this time is that the tele isn’t as bad and it can be countered. But what’s the benefit of having it allowed in the first place? We can allow spawnkilling in Upward for the exact same reason, if everyone’s aware of it, people will just not run around in the left spawn exit during setup time, and never die to it, but it’s banned, and it’s banned for a reason, it gives nothing positive to the game, same for the glitched tele.
And i won’t be surprised if Kill Switch are using that tele at their advantage, you’re defending this glitched spot so hardly, like i hardly even believe that a team that doesn’t use gay things like these would not want those gay things to be removed, if you don’t use it yourself, why would you want your enemies to have a possibility of doing so? Excuse me if i’m wrong here, but that’s just how it looks from a side view.
And now if you are going to defend the tele as a “legit tactic that should be used” (a thing that most people don’t agree on), that would be a completely different point, at least we would have something to argue on.

I haven’t played with KillSwitch for very long and this is my own opinion, not the team’s. During the time I’ve played for ks we have never used the teleporter strategy. You can ask someone else why, but in my opinion it’s simply too risky for little reward. Especially against prem teams, we would get decimated pretty quickly if we tried such a stupid push.

I don’t think it’s “gay”, I see it as an interesting strategy that is fairly risky but can lead to good rewards if the other team is caught off guard. I think on this merit, it should be considered legit since it’s a risk/reward balance that adds positively to the map. It’s not a go-to strategy since playing normally is more efficient most of the times, but it’s at least 90% legit. But calling strats “gay” and blaming the other team for losing is just being a sore loser. If you want to get good you will have to analyse your own mistakes and not blame the other team for playing unusually.

It’s 100% fair that my enemies can use this strategy against me as well, except it will not work because I know how to counter that shit and I know if you have a teleporter behind that door. They can still try, though. After all, if they succeed I got myself to blame for not checking, rather than blaming them for using “gay strats omg”.



Quoted from it's Mint


While you’re at it, please allow me to use the gunslinger crit exploit, THANKS!

it’s not an exploit



Like Ond Kaja said earlier; it’s a really risky move, which might cost you a lot of time if you commit to using it too much, or it might be a very rewarding flank.

You have to remember, that the door is going to open the moment someone has tele’d to the other side. As soon as that has happened, it’s very probable that someone will notice the pesky exit. So you’ll have to be really lucky to use the flank effectively.

And again, it’s up to a soldier/spy/demo to take care of it. You can just camp it as a soldier, and two rockets should be enough to get it down. Or, you can send your spy to their entrance, and do his thing. Or, put a few stickies on the door, and wait for it to open as the demoman. IMHO, there’s enough ways to counter the strat.

I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be considered as an exploit, I just haven’t read any strong enough arguments against using it, so I have yet to decide which side I’m taking. For now, I don’t think it should be banned.

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