
[S3] Unlocks feedback

Created 14th October 2012 @ 16:10

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Quoted from Buffalo Bill

Not at all. If there’s no visual indicator, how do you prepare for it? Guess?

I might be wrong, but the answer is in essence of Highlander. It was intended as organized pub on the edge before falling into 6’s strictness: almost every unlock is allowed (unless it’s buggy, but competitiveness shouldn’t be considered), mostly popular pub maps etc. I may give loads of arguments against the Dead Ringer, because how not competitive this unlock is, like, it removes whole stealth part in spy play, letting go for idiotic picks, damage resistance is too high, generally lowers the skill ceiling etc, but I don’t, because it shouldn’t be applied to Highlander. It’s was possible to countdown uber, because there was no Vitasaw before, now it’s here and countdown is messed up. You often fail to see cause and effect, like in 6’s unlocks discussion. Basically, play the game how Valve intended it to be played with only a few fixes for a new buggy unlocks. At least that’s how I see it.



Quoted from Buffalo Bill


Not at all. If there’s no visual indicator, how do you prepare for it? Guess?

Having the spy check?



Quoted from ondkaja

[…]Having the spy check?

no spy will remember to check it everytime the medic respawns



Quoted from Muuki

[…]no spy will remember to check it everytime the medic respawns

That’s a pretty bad argument, on par with “no medic will remember to count uber everytime the enemy medic dies”.



Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

It’s worthwile to note that vita saw uber charges at the same speed as the kritzkrieg with any other saw.

The TF2 wiki mentions nothing of this buff to uber build time. If the uber builds faster with vita saw AND you get to keep charge then definitely ban it, that’s bullshit.



Quoted from ondkaja

[…]That’s a pretty bad argument, on par with “no medic will remember to count uber everytime the enemy medic dies”.

checking uber is pressing tab, changing disguises takes +-10 seconds to check and switch back to some other disguise and wasting 10 seconds on that is not possible everytime unless you sit in spawn and only check the enemy melee.

All in all it’s just something that makes highlander more boring and even more random and unlike some other “op” unlocks, it directly changes the pace and style of the game just by itself

E: Read a bit on the UGC forums: do you see anyone complaining about the ban? Everyone agrees that it’s a good change and that the unlock is horribly gamechanging.

Last edited by Muuki,

Quoted from ondkaja

[…]Having the spy check?

Quoted from Buffalo Bill


He can, but who’s to say the medic won’t simply switch to it later? Or use it to throw you off initially then switches away from it? There’s no visual indicator for it (other than the Spy looking right at him, or the Solemn Vow).

Quoted from envy

I might be wrong, but the answer is in essence of Highlander. It was intended as organized pub on the edge before falling into 6’s strictness: almost every unlock is allowed (unless it’s buggy, but competitiveness shouldn’t be considered), mostly popular pub maps etc. I may give loads of arguments against the Dead Ringer, because how not competitive this unlock is, like, it removes whole stealth part in spy play, letting go for idiotic picks, damage resistance is too high, generally lowers the skill ceiling etc, but I don’t, because it shouldn’t be applied to Highlander. It’s was possible to countdown uber, because there was no Vitasaw before, now it’s here and countdown is messed up. You often fail to see cause and effect, like in 6’s unlocks discussion. Basically, play the game how Valve intended it to be played with only a few fixes for a new buggy unlocks. At least that’s how I see it.

At the end of the day we are still a competitive league, not an organised pub league. The maps chosen tend to be chosen because they offer the most opportunities for the “non-standard” classes. A Pyro on badwater, for example, will have MUCH more moments where he’s useful than on badlands – both attacking and defending.

The Vita-Saw adds a large amount of randomness to the most powerful -and most influential – ability in the game, making predicting it nearly impossible depending on how he uses it. That is atrocious from a competitive point of view (randomness a major factor on who wins) and for most people not fun to play against.


Red tape breaks mini sentries because it takes a long time to destroy one and you can’t destroy it during the sap + several bugs i think

Oh god, something that counters mini-sentries. BAN NAO btw bugs are fixed.



Quoted from Buffalo Bill

The Vita-Saw adds a large amount of randomness to the most powerful -and most influential – ability in the game, making predicting it nearly impossible depending on how he uses it. That is atrocious from a competitive point of view (randomness a major factor on who wins) and for most people not fun to play against.

Uber in 6v6 and uber in 9v9 is not the same. It is much more powerful in 6v6. We played 3 seasons of UGC with vita-saw being allowed – nobody cared, seriously. This mediocre unlock doesn’t deserve so much attention.


Quoted from Buffalo Bill

competitive league, not an organised pub league

Same things, actually. No reason to feel offended by that.
Quoted from Buffalo Bill

they offer the most opportunities for the “non-standard” classes.

Glad you understood my point why these maps are so popular on pubs with intermediate players.
Quoted from Buffalo Bill

making predicting it nearly impossible

But it highers a skill ceiling. In compression to vita saw prediction, basic one is just brainless; check scoreboard, +40 seconds, ez. Also, trade off for that ability is very fair: -10hp is a huge impact on medic’s play style. And it’s only “randomness” if you can’t and don’t know how to count it properly.

Last edited by envy,



How does random shit make the skill ceiling higher? why not enable random crits, i mean you can calculate the enemy who’s most likely to get crits due to damage so it raises the skill ceiling )


it’s only “randomness” if you can’t and don’t know how to count it properly

Please, read before getting mad once again.

Quoted from envy

Same things, actually. No reason to feel offended by that.

Competitive and organised pub are not the same, and who says I’m offended?

Quoted from envy

But it highers a skill ceiling. In compression to vita saw prediction, basic one is just brainless; check scoreboard, +40 seconds, ez. Also, trade off for that ability is very fair: -10hp is a huge impact on medic’s play style. And it’s only “randomness” if you can’t and don’t know how to count it properly.

“highers”? And no, it doesn’t. Making it more random based off something you have no way of knowing for sure barring a relatively excessive amount of work doesn’t raise the skill ceiling. The Medic using the Vita-Saw doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t already do, the Vita-Saw’s buff is passive and all the enemy has to do is to have their Spy switch to Medic disguise -> melee weapon and he can tell whether he has it. Not difficult, but very time consuming to do without it being easily circumvented.


SP |

OK, wait. We had 2 seazons of HL with vita-saw being used and there wasn’t even a single “omg it is so imba-gamebreaking!!!111oneoneone” complaint. And now, it is an issue?

Also, in HL, counting uber is not as effective as it is in 6vs6 – there are more people, more variables (are they building? effective? with soldier? with scout?) and – unlike most of 6vs6 games – there is a Spy that can simply check uber level of enemy Medic.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying it is terribly bad change – I am just totally surprised about choice of banned unlocks. HL always had enough space for innovative weapon choices and element of surprise (and ability to adjust in flight) always was a good part of that mode – that’s why banned items list was as short as possible, sticking to gamebreaking (bugs/shear overpower) weapons and set hats (which don’t act as “instead of” but rather as “take a class weakness and remove/diminish it”).



Quoted from irfx


Uber in 6v6 and uber in 9v9 is not the same. It is much more powerful in 6v6. We played 3 seasons of UGC with vita-saw being allowed – nobody cared, seriously. This mediocre unlock doesn’t deserve so much attention.

Disagree with that so much.

Since there are a lot more A/D type maps in HL, ubers are a lot more important, you can’t push past a wrangled sentry without it, basically impossible.

There are also more pick classes so it is easier to die as medic in HL as well, so the vita-saw comes into play a ton more.

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