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Stupid question about the scoreboard

Created 29th November 2012 @ 12:42

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hi guys,i would like to know if it’s possible to create a small scoreboard without pressing any key which always stays in its same position and which does not go out, (for example bottom right of the monitor). I am searching this because i play med maincaller and i think it can be very helpfull, any ideas?



I’d just recommend to just press tab like everyone else does too ;)


Basically you can, but you wouldn’t be able to see Health&Ammo and you couldn’t switch weapons anymore.




(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

I recommend using m0rehud tho as it has the least screen estate consuming scoreboard and therefore you can walk around with it open a huge portion of the time. Also what I did is rebound the scoreboard key because tab is not really comfortable (unless you’re fine with using your pinky for it). I use my mouse thumb button for scoreboard.



suicidati perfavore.


Quoted from Hist3rim

suicidati perfavore.

non ti farei mai un favore ^^



I know what you want! :D

I’ve wanted the same thing for a while, a tiny scoreboard that only shows number of people alive on each side. Unfortunately from what I’ve been able to gather this information is only available through +showscores which disables HP and Ammo HUD elements and leaves +attack unusable.


Quoted from crouton

I know what you want! :D

I’ve wanted the same thing for a while, a tiny scoreboard that only shows number of people alive on each side. Unfortunately from what I’ve been able to gather this information is only available through +showscores which disables HP and Ammo HUD elements and leaves +attack unusable.



Hista cosa è successo al tuo account? ti ho addato con l’altro cmq

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