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[HUD] Ell's HUD (4.8)

Created 15th August 2011 @ 04:48

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(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from izaak²²

They aren’t “Needed” but there isn’t actually a reason not to have them. Its personal preference :P if someone made a 768 scoreboard with K/D it’d be fantastic

I think that there are better ways of measuring your performance and spending your cognitive resources when the clock is ticking. Requests for KD scoreboards are by far the most common I get, so I thought giving people the option, but demand a bit of work on their part, would be a good middle ground for now. It’s copy-paste, it’s really not that hard. Adding highlander was much more important up until now.


(ETF2L Donator)

V3 is up. You can get it from http://code.google.com/p/ellshud/downloadshere[/url]


I saw that many people ask for kills/death in the scoreboard.
Since I wanted too, this evening I have spent some times understand how it works and make that for my 1920×1080 resolution, and this is how it looks like, for those who are insterested:

Green is kills, red is deth and yellow is ubers, as I play medic. I also changed some colors (example the two team color block at the left of the players name).

So, basically, here is what you need to do to make it works for your resolution as well :
– Delete and replace in your scoreboard file the “ServerLabel” part with that you find in Bash’s scoreboard. If you want you can change the “xpos” parameter to move the server name.
– Delete and replace the LocalPlayerStatsPanel (it is pretty long). Then you just have to modify the entities “Kills” and “Death” (and all the other information you want to know, in my case it was Invuls) changing “xpos” “ypos” and “fgcolor” as you want.
xpos can even be the same and it should be centered already, at least it was in my case, while ypos just copy-past the value you find in other entities (example “RedTeamScore”) so it’s aligned and the color using the RGBA notation (red green blue trasparency)
Don’t forget to set “visible” and “enabled” to 1.

It should take a couple of minute to do that now.


(ETF2L Donator)

Thanks for that contribution :) I have taken down Bash’s scoreboard for now since the colors wouldn’t match with V3, but those instructions should be sufficient on their own. Remeber to also change the width of the ServerLabel if you move it sideways.


Doesnt work for me after last update, can anyone confirm?
Moreover, is there a way to automatically swith to cl_hud_minmode 1/0 depending on the game type (highlander, pub, 6v6)?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Leif

Doesnt work for me after last update, can anyone confirm?
Moreover, is there a way to automatically swith to cl_hud_minmode 1/0 depending on the game type (highlander, pub, 6v6)?

how would the game know what you’re going to play?



(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Leif

Doesnt work for me after last update, can anyone confirm?

I for one can not, my PSU got taken out by the last thunderstorm and I’m still waiting for a replacement. Have you tried reinstalling the HUD?


(ETF2L Donator)

Got my computer up and running, HUD appears to work.


Installed the additional dmg-number-thing and I’d like to know if i could change the color on this somehow. Floating numbers in white are nice but i’d like to have it in yellow or smth above the healthbar.

Is it possible?

Muchas Nachos por favor!



(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from ouch

Installed the additional dmg-number-thing and I’d like to know if i could change the color on this somehow. Floating numbers in white are nice but i’d like to have it in yellow or smth above the healthbar.

Change the value of the fgcolor field in the DamageValue entity in HudDamageAccount.res. You can enter colors on two different formats, “fgcolor” “NAME_OF_PREDEFINED_COLOR” or “fgcolor” “RED GREEN BLUE OPACITY”, where RED, GREEN, BLUE and OPACITY are natural numbers beteen 0 and 255.

These are the predefined colors for this HUD as defined in tf/ClientScheme.res

“lRed” “255 0 127 255”
“lBlue” “0 255 255 255”
“lGreen” “0 255 127 255”
“lBlack” “0 0 0 255”
“lWhite” “255 255 255 255”
“lPink” “255 0 127 255”
“lTransparentBlack” “0 0 0 170”
“lViolet” “127 0 255 255”
“lScreenBlue” “0 0 255 255”
“lGrey” “127 127 127 255”
“lYellow” “255 255 127 255”
“lVanilla” “255 255 191 255”
“lCyan” “0 255 255 255”

You can preview colors in MS Paint under Colors -> Edit Colors -> Define Custom Colors.

Good luck :)


thanks, worked perfectly :>


The MvM fucked up all the hud apparently, this seems to work fine but the game menu is fucked up


Also the respwantime location and the killer’s equipment items needs fixing because as you can see they are straight left at least in cl_hud_minmode 1:

Obviously I am referring in normale game mode, in MvM it’s completely bugged like every hud.


(ETF2L Donator)

I only have one of these inssues, the one with the menu labels not showing up properly. This could be easily fixed by replacing the lines of ells_hud_tf_english_changes.txt with their tf_english counterparts, but I’m not sure I can be bothered, the tf_english file is being updated all the time. I bet the rest of your problems will be solved by reinstalling the hud. This is what my game looks like at the time of writing with cl_hud_minmode 1. We’ll have to see about MvM.



It’s all fucked up for me.
I also can’t work out how to turn on a hud crosshair because there’s only one part in hudlayout.res that mentions a hud crosshair and that’s visible by default.
Fuck knows why it just duplicated the same image. Fucking shit software.
All I want is a hud with a centered cross hudxhair that is suited to 640×480. I also want to be able to see my kills and this hud seems perfect (at least it did). Help :(


(ETF2L Donator)

Problem solved.

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