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broesel's Crosshair Switcher

Created 31st July 2010 @ 09:35

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Quoted from ijamzo


I want it so it switches crosshair between all 3 weapons not just primary and secondary using something like
“bind MWHEELUP previousweapon

bind MWHEELDOWN nextweapon “

What you’re describing is the switcher’s default behaviour – no need to change anything :)

Quoted from alcatraz

very nice switcher man, ı love you:>



hi there

i have a problem with the switcher, that is bothering me. i am using the default crosshair for the scouts primary weapon, but when i am switching to the secondary or melee, i get this weird black/pink colored square popping up between the different crosshairs. is there any way to avoid it?

if it is any help, that is how it looks like in the config:

alias scout_primary “big; pink; default; 90”
alias scout_secondary “big; white; ring; 90”
alias scout_melee “huge; green; dot; 110”



No, this can’t be avoided.


Quoted from broesel

No, this can’t be avoided.

K, thx :)



version 2.4 is out!

download: http://code.google.com/p/broesels-crosshair-switcher/downloads/detail?name=broesel%27s%20Crosshair%20Switcher%202.4.zip


– updated weapons.cfg

– fixed the demoplayback and STV configs not working

– fixed a typo in the settings file



Quoted from enwyze

[…]K, thx :)

if you use default for all wepaons for that class the square doesnt show when changing weapons


Is there anyway to use the alias switch_between_slot1_and_slot2 in my own cfg without using the Crosshair Switcher, I’ve tried but it acts like lastweapon instead of weapon1 and weapon2 only.



Quoted from qarky


No need for a whole bunch of files like my switcher if you wanna do just that :D

copy this into your autoexec.cfg:

slot1-2_1 "slot2; slot1-2 slot1-2_2"
slot1-2_2 "slot1; slot1-2 slot1-2_1"
slot1-2 "slot1-2_1"

bind Q slot1-2


How can I still have the medigun beam when healing someone with no view model on the medigun? and the fire as pyro when not having flamethrower view model?


Quoted from Dazrovia

How can I still have the medigun beam when healing someone with no view model on the medigun? and the fire as pyro when not having flamethrower view model?

This is an example of the medigun with no models and the beam showing

alias medic_secondary “big; green; cross; off_with_muzzleflash”



you must out r_drawviewmodel to 0 and viewmodel_fov something like 54, beam/flames are visible if you have have viewmodel_fov above 0 and you can control the distance between crosshair and muzzleflash with it by setting it’s value between 1-179


I would like to have auto-reload on some weapons and on some not, how can I do this?

//alias weapon1 “+reload; slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0….

This is from my old cfg, where the crosshair sometimes bugged, but auto-reload worked perfectly on the weapons I wanted…



Quoted from THE_WILLY

I would like to have auto-reload on some weapons and on some not, how can I do this?

//alias weapon1 “+reload; slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0….

This is from my old cfg, where the crosshair sometimes bugged, but auto-reload worked perfectly on the weapons I wanted…

cl_autoreload 1/0



Hello, call me necro if you want.

I haven’t give a look to the whole thread, so i’am sorry if this was already somewhere else.
When i turn off the viewmodels in the grenade and sticky launcher, nothing happens, but it seems to work well on the rocket launcher, sniper rifle, pyro’s secondary…~
This also happens with the spy’s sapper.

If someone could give a hand, i would be apreciated :)


I read through a few pages of the comments and i found issues similar to mine but the solution would not be the same. When i choose custom settings for the classes spy,engineer and heavy only the crosshair or viewmodels for their first weapon. Help?

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