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TF2 Sapphire challenge @ Esports Heaven

Created 4th March 2010 @ 11:28

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Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

no cos there is still the seeding that top teams play against low teams in round1…

As someone mentioned earlier, there are only 32 seeds. In other words if there are like 64 low teams particpating only 32 of them will have a hard first round. The other half can end up playing eachother or div 4/3 teams.

So no, low teams don’t always end up playing topteams.



Quoted from Warmaster

Uhm, I don’t get why you quoted me gimpfen but I quite clearly stated to SUPPORT the cups the way they are atm. Once again, I don’t mind playing div 1/2 teams and I actually enjoy it.

they way you described was in my eyes not using seeding of topteams (FA-System)



I think my main gripe comes from one of the 1st cups where we got to the 2nd round, and played against broder on turbine, imo, i was having alot of fun, we were doing quite well, the score got to 7-2, and one of our players (who knew the other teams players) refused to play on pretty much, saying they werent even trying and pretty much laughing at the fact we were trying our hardest (which I doubt was true), and it really made me feel like shit…

Honestly, I think playing against you div1-2 guys is cool, but for most of the teams, it can be a bit embarrissig and just a killer for morale. I honestly did enjoy the two-tier system, and if that was brought back, I would defo sign up.

and everybody chill out? Its not like TF2 IS DEAD because you can’t fill ONE CUP

Don’t forget people have etf2l/wptf2l/esl/cup/ladder/default dates/certain match nights. These cups/dates/times don’t suit every single team!

Last edited by dougiie,


If all the lower teams sign in fast, there are no div1/2 teams to play against. At least that’s the way I think these cups should run. No favouring of any team in the signup process. Maybe that could motivate lower teams to follow the scene up a bit more and get team ready to just press that apply button when time is due.

This is a bit offtopic kinda. But I think ETF2L should carry on the message of TF2 what it originally was too and work even more with the other leagues Esports Heaven and ESL, a newspost just doesn’t seem to work it through that well. Work to make the signups easier, promote them and encourage teams to support them. Extra buttons on top for ESH? Able to sign up team via ETF2L? Then link to their standings and that current cup page on ESH page, would definately gather up some more hits on ESH page and benefit them too that way.

Last edited by Depch,



Quoted from Depch

If all the lower teams sign in fast, there are no div1/2 teams to play against. At least that’s the way I think these cups should run. No favouring of any team in the signup process. Maybe that could motivate lower teams to follow the scene up a bit more and get team ready to just press that apply button when time is due.

This is a bit offtopic kinda. But I think ETF2L should carry on the message of TF2 what it originally was too and work even more with the other leagues Esports Heaven and ESL, a newspost just doesn’t seem to work it through that well. Work to make the signups easier, promote them and encourage teams to support them. Extra buttons on top for ESH? Able to sign up team via ETF2L? Then link to their standings and that current cup page on ESH page, would definately gather up some more hits on ESH page and benefit them too that way.




I cant seem to find the maps we have to play, is it just me?


Quoted from Edd

I cant seem to find the maps we have to play, is it just me?


Same here… We just signed up, but we haven´t been selected yet (dunno why)

But the maps aren´t shown yet, and it should be just 1 map because the games are from 45 mins to 45 mins… No time for 2 maps :)



did you add 6 players to your tf2 squad and all have filled in their steamid ? if so, you just have to wait then until they will add your team

I’m sure they will announce the maps and brackets later on , 1 map per match idd



If the slots dont get filled up is this still gonna happen? Maybe stupid question but they could take the first 64 teams or whatever?

nah, everyone will be taken but some teams (prolly the best) dont have to play the first round.



And the cash prize is still valid?

Last edited by lolage,


Cash prize was valid even though cup wasn’t filled the last time. But we were not missing many teams then. Now it’s around 45 or so teams missing.



there is no way we are going to find 42 teams by tonight.

Lets just hope that they dont consider it useless to hold a cash prized tf2 event again



Sorry bout the maps. I had them somewhere for days but didn’t post> anyway: http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=tournament&action=view&tournament_id=102

Also: be aware of the stricter rules on starting on time. It’s explained in the sane post as the maps announcement.

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