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*EPISODE 4 with PURE* TF2 Podcast: The Direct Hit

Created 22nd February 2010 @ 20:46

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Quoted from toasty.

Too add to what jase said. Is it the mumble voice activation that causes that horrible crackle when people start to speak?

Listening to that on headphones isn’t nice and makes me turn the volume down too barely audible.

Maybe use PTT (I know, I know) or some thing, I have no idea what causes this so just an idea.

Also swarley is an interesting guy but let the others speak as well (not meant as a dig). Or have more people to bounce off each other.

You were pretty good about it but also, really try and avoid talking over each other. It’s hard because most normal conversations work like this.

All of that aside it was a good cast in content. Don’t worry about trying to do it all in one take or any thing, just record a huge conversation and cut up the interesting bits.

Also put in itunes, this makes I much easier to spread the word. Heroes of the week have to be idk? for beating dignitas in a pcw followed by TCM in the cup, stv was going crazy.

Keep it up. :)

actually idk knocked us out of the cup. Credit where it’s due etc.




I only caught the last 10 mins of your match, that obviously makes it even bigger , congrats idk?. :D



Quoted from toasty.

Also swarley is an interesting guy

This is the best piece of feedback we have so far :P



Quoted from Swarley


This is the best piece of feedback we have so far :P

shame its inaccurate!



Swaughleigh = interesting guy. :D


(Toucan Ambassador)

Pretty good first attempt!
You really need someone with a different opinion though, I don’t want to hear three bleeding heart sympathisers defending questionable admin decisions!

Was there actually a single issue you all didn’t agree on?
Some one needs to play devils advocate or alternatively just get Duncan “SATAN” Wraight himself on the show :D



Quoted from Admirable

Pretty good first attempt!
You really need someone with a different opinion though, I don’t want to hear three bleeding heart sympathisers defending questionable admin decisions!

Was there actually a single issue you all didn’t agree on?
Some one needs to play devils advocate or alternatively just get Duncan “SATAN” Wraight himself on the show :D

agreed with this

Memento Mori

Quoted from Admirable

Was there actually a single issue you all didn’t agree on?
Some one needs to play devils advocate or alternatively just get Duncan “SATAN” Wraight himself on the show :D

or you…

“I think it was a good decision”

“was fockin shit”



You can argue about it all day but in the end Swarley is right and you are wrong. )))

Last edited by RaCio,



get chris to do it he never shuts the fuck up



Quoted from Sketch

get chris to do it he never shuts the fuck up

So true



Quoted from Pork


So true


Assuming we’re thinking of the same Chris. That would be a bloody brilliant podcast. ^D^



We are sorry to tell you guys that the next instalment of The Direct Hit wont be released today as planned, due to some technical difficulties. We will try our hardest to get todays episode out sometime this week!!

However, we do have some great topics for you in the podcast, which will include a special guest making an appearence;l giving the team thier views and opinions! **WHO CAN IT BE?**

Once again a big sorry from us all

Thanks for your support in the thread, we’ve taken alot of the ideas and suggestions onboard so expect a bigger and better podcast soon!! :D



#thedirecthit is up, gogo!



Quoted from Swarley

#thedirecthit is up, gogo!

few /mode problems on the channel not allowing un-authed people toconnect, but thats been fixed now, so idle up and show some <3

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